New Gilmore Library: 'A place where music scholarship can thrive'
The new Irving S. Gilmore Music Library was formally dedicated on Oct. 16. Among the guests who gathered for the occasion were President Richard C. Levin and other Yale officers; University Librarian Scott Bennett; Kendall Crilly, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Music Librarian; trustees of the Irving S. Gilmore Foundation; and library staff.
New hormone therapy revives sexual desire in post-menopausal women
A Yale study appearing in the October issue of The Journal of Reproductive Medicine reported that estrogen-androgen therapy improved sexual sensation and desire in post-menopausal women who were dissatisfied with estrogen treatment alone.
'Impeachment' revisited: Yale Press re-issues Professor Black's 1974 treatise
In 1974, when the nation was in the throes of the Watergate scandal, and the media and Congress were abuzz with discussions of the impeachment of President Richard M. Nixon, Yale University Press rushed into print a thin book by Yale law professor Charles L. Black Jr.
Yale Physics Olympics
Teams from Connecticut and New York high schools came together to compete on Oct. 17 in the Yale Physics Olympics. The event, held at Sloane Physics Laboratory, was designed to stimulate interest in science and to provide support for physics teachers in the region.
New institute will encourage research on role of religion in American life and history
Panel, lecture honor memory of alumnus
Writer chides media for 'vamping' and public for 'hypocrisy' over 'Monica-gate'
Annual public education program will look at often-prescribed drugs
Roundtable discussions will explore problems faced by developing nations
'Contested Terrains' exhibit recalls how U.S. appropriated Mexican lands
Campus Talks by Campus People
'Day of Absence,' talk by activist Amiri Baraka will highlight Black Solidarity Conference
Students to present two nights of scenes from famous operas
Festschrift at Williams College honors Yale historian Peter Gay
Yale architect to speak at next 'Books Sandwiched In'
Two professors will sign copies of their new books

Professor Curtis Patton stands beside the new headstone marking the final resting place of Edward Alexander Bouchet, the first African-American student at Yale and the first black person in the nation to receive a Ph.D. Despite his gifts and accomplishments, Bouchet remained unrecognized during his lifetime and was buried in an unmarked grave in New Haven's Evergreen Cemetery. Patton, who says Bouchet is his "hero," led a community effort to erect the belated memorial to the scholar. The headstone was unveiled at a ceremony on Oct. 18.
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