Yale Bulletin
and Calendar

November 9-16, 1998Volume 27, Number 12

Berkeley Divinity Dean installed

The Oct. 30 ceremony marking the official installation of R. William Franklin as the 12th dean of the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, was attended by a number of church and University officials, including President Richard C. Levin and Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold III, head of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Also on hand in Marquand Chapel were the Reverend Richard Wood, dean of the Divinity School; the Reverend Frederick J. Streets, University Chaplain and pastor of the Church of Christ in Yale; the Right Reverend Clarence Coleridge, Episcopal bishop for Connecticut; representatives of the 11 other Episcopal seminaries in the United States; and representatives of other denominations.

"We are delighted to celebrate the investiture of William Franklin as the Dean in Berkeley Divinity School," said Levin. "He is a distinguished scholar of Christian humanism and the modern ecumenical movement, a leader within the Episcopal Church and an outstanding educator. We are proud to have him at the head of the Episcopal seminary that flourishes within the Yale Divinity School."

Berkeley Divinity School was established in 1854 in Middletown and moved to New Haven in 1928. It became affiliated with the Divinity School in 1971. It is the only Episcopal seminary affiliated with a major reseach university.