Yale Bulletin
and Calendar

January 18-25, 1999Volume 27, Number 17

Griswold research fund

Applications for the A. Whitney Griswold Faculty Research Fund grants are now available. Grants are made in support of projected research of full-time faculty members on continuing appointment in any department or division of the university. Funds of up to $2,500 per academic year may be sought for purposes such as travel to inspect primary-source materials; acquisition of inaccessible books or microÞlms (with the understanding that such materials will ultimately be transferred to the University library system); or assistance with research, indexing, and manuscript preparation. The award is not intended for reimbursement of expenses already incurred.

Faculty members requesting amounts over $1,000 should also apply to other sources of support for the project. For sources within the university, department chairs should be consulted; for sources outside the university, the OfÞce of Grants and Contracts should be consulted.

The deadlines for applications, with supporting materials, are Feb. 8 and April 1. Application forms may be picked up in
Rm. 101 at the Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall St., or be requested by calling 432-0670.

YUHS offerings

Yale University Health Services (YUHS), 17 Hillhouse Ave., is offering the following programs this term:

Menopause Series
The YUHS department of preventive medicine, in conjunction with the Ob/Gyn department, is presenting in February a free series of information sessions about menopause. Titles of the sessions are: "What to Expect at Menopause," "Hormone Replacement Therapy" and "Sexual Health and Incontinence Issues."

The series will be held in Rm. 405 at YUHS on three consecutive Tuesdays, 5:15-6:30 p.m., beginning Feb. 2. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Pre-registration, by calling 432-1826, is requested.

Flu Shots
YUHS is also offering þu shots every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. There is no charge for members of the Yale community. For more information, call 432-1826.

Weight Watchers at Work
The Health Education OfÞce of YUHS is sponsoring a 10-week Weight Watchers at Work series, beginning Monday, Jan. 25.

A free informational open meeting for new and returning members will be held on Monday, Jan. 18, 12:15-1 p.m. The fee for the series is $94, with a minimum of 18 members per series. Payment is due at the open meeting and may be made by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover card or American Express. Registration is free.

All meetings will be held in Rm. 405 at YUHS. For more information or to register, call 432-1892.

YUWO lecture series

The Yale University Women's Organization (YUWO) study group will present a series of six lectures by professor emeritus Thomas M. Greene, Thursdays 10:30-11:30 a.m., Jan. 28-March 4, in the Sterling Memorial Library lecture hall.

Titled "Readings in English Renaissance Poetry," the lectures will focus on lyric poems by Þve major poets of the period: Sir Thomas Wyatt, John Donne, William Shakespeare, John Milton and Andrew Marvell. The series is open to members of YUWO and their spouses. There is a fee.

For additional information, call Letha Sandweiss, study group chair, at 562-2894 or Helen Culler at 288-4164.

Children's athletics courses

The department of athletics is sponsoring a series of childrens courses during the winter/spring term. Six-week programs in swimming (group and private lessons) and seven-week programs in creative movement, ballet, jazz, and squash will be held Saturday mornings, beginning Jan. 18. A twelve-week judo program will be held on weekday evenings beginning Monday, Jan. 18. Fees vary by class. All programs are co-ed and and are open to members of the Yale community and residents of New Haven County.

For additional information, call Dawn Leary at 432-1431. Parents must pre-register. As space in all programs is limited, registration will be conducted on a Þrst-come, Þrst-served basis.

Undergraduate art exhibition

The School of Art is sponsoring a "Comprehensive Art Exhibition of Undergraduate Studio Course Work, Fall Term '98." An opening reception will take place Thursday, Jan. 21, 5-7 p.m. in the second-floor gallery, 180 York St. The exhibition will open on Monday, Jan. 18 and run through Wednesday, Jan. 27. Hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Friday; noon-5 p.m., Saturday; and 3-6 p.m., Sunday. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, call 432-2608.

Dwight Hall open house

The spring semester Dwight Hall community service open house will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 7-9 p.m. in Dwight Hall, 67 High St. All students will have the opportunity to talk informally with student leaders of many of the 65 social service and advocacy programs sponsored by Dwight Hall, and with community representatives of New Haven agencies. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call 432-2420.

Panic attack treatment studies

The Yale Anxiety Disorders Research Clinic is offering evaluation, biological testing and treatment free of charge for individuals who suffer from panic attacks. Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and be in good health. For further information, call Gale Banks, M.S., R.N., or Sarah Saiano, research assistant, at 789-6985, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Day Care open house

The Calvin Hill Day Care Center is holding a preschool, day care and kindergarten open house for parents and children on Saturday, Jan. 30, 1-3 p.m. The center is located at 150 Highland St., between Whitney Ave. and Prospect St.

The center and Kitty Lustman-Findling Kindergarten are nationally-accredited full-day programs for community and university families. Tuition is on a sliding scale, according to income. Experienced teachers work with three separate groups of children between the ages of three and six years old. The center is open 8 a.m.-5:15 p.m. and also offers a summer program.

For more information, call Carla Horwitz, director, at 764-9350.

Human Rights fellowships

The Law School's Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights has announced that the application deadline for the Robert L. Bernstein Fellowships in International Human Rights is Monday, Feb. 1.

The fellowships, directed at law school graduates and third-year students, provide one-year stipends of approximately $37,500 to support projects devoted to the advancement of human rights around the world. Three fellowships are awarded each year. Bernstein fellows may work anywhere in the world, either under the sponsorship of an existing organization or on their own.

The following organizations have conÞrmed their interest in sponsoring Bernstein fellows: Human Rights Watch, The Lawyer's Committee for Human Rights and Human Rights in China (NY). Applicants can contact these organizations directly or other organizations of their choice that may be willing to provide sponsorship.

Applications and further information may be obtained by contacting Renee DeMatteo at the Schell Center, Rm. M25, Ruttenberg Hall, 127 Wall St.; telephone, 432-7480.

Portuguese study competition

The department of Spanish and Portuguese has announced the third annual undergraduate competition for scholarships for summer study in Brazil. The program runs from June 14 to July 24 and includes classes in various levels of Brazilian Portuguese as well as excursions to areas of environmental interest.

Yale students should Þrst apply directly for admission to the University of Kansas summer Portuguese program at the Universidade Federal de Espirito Santo in Vitoria, a state capital on the coast near Rio. Candidates should then apply to the Yale department of Spanish and Portuguese by Monday, March 29 for a partial scholarship; applications should include a curriculum vitae, Yale transcript and statement of purpose.

The awards cover approximately half the total costs of the program, including tuition, travel, housing and local expenses. The program gives credit applicable toward Yale courses in Portuguese. For more information, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Portuguese, at lidia.santos@yale.edu or jordano.quaglia@yale.edu.

Agrarian Studies funding

The Program in Agrarian Studies, 89 Trumbull St., has announced that some limited funds are available to foster interdisciplinary work in any Þeld on agrarian themes. Support is available on a competitive basis for the following activities: "Preliminary On-Site Planning of Research"; "Supplemental Interdisciplinary Work"; and "Student Colloquia and Institutional Reciprocity."

The deadline for applications is Friday, April 2. Awards are announced in May. For more information, contact Kay MansÞeld at 432-9833.

International Center courses

The International Center is offering classes in English for the spring semester. The program consists of a comprehensive range of courses for all levels of English speakers taught by highly experienced faculty. Classes are held at the International House, 406 Prospect St. Applicants can register at the center, 442 Temple St., or on registration day, Monday, Jan. 11, at the International House.

Courses will include "English as a Second Language," "English Conversation," "Discussions in American Literature," "TOEFL Preparation and Review" and "Writing Techniques." For fees, schedules, and other information, call 432-6460.

Girls sports clinic

The department of Athletics is sponsoring a free sports clinic for girls aged 10-16 on Saturday, Jan. 30, 12:30-5 p.m. Activities will include rowing instruction from Yale women's varsity athletes and coaches, and the women's basketball game versus Harvard. Lunch will be provided at no cost. Free bus transportation will be provided from selected schools.

Enrollment is limited to the Þrst 75 girls applying from New Haven area schools. Applications must be received by Monday, Jan. 25. For further information, call Tim Ford at 432-7413.