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The Yale Children's Theater, 248 Park St., will begin its spring schedule this week with "The Little Prince," an interactive play describing the journey of a prince from a tiny planet. Shows will be at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 26; at 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 27; and at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 28. The suggested donation for each show is $2 for children and $3 for adults, except for the 1 p.m. performance on Saturday, which will be free. The show will last approximately 45 minutes.
The Children's Theater is also presenting its ongoing project, "Story Hour," every Sunday, 2-3 p.m. New and classic children's books are read and performed by members of the theater group. For more information, call Ciara Lacy at 436-0160.
ARTrageous, a project of the Connecticut Mental Health Center (CMHC) is presenting a reception for "Kings and Friends" on Thursday, Feb. 25, 3:30-5 p.m. Artists featured in the show will be David DiFederico, Diane Manguilli, Lou Rapuano and Steve T.
The ARTrageous project exhibits artists' works in the lobby of CMHC, 34 Park St.,which is open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Typically, shows run for two months. For more information, call Sandy Hotchkiss at 789-7407.
The Health Education OfÞce of Yale University Health Services (YUHS) and the department of athletics are co-sponsoring a progressive walking program on campus this spring. The Þve-week series will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Tuesday, March 23, noon-1 p.m. at YUHS, 17 Hillhouse Ave. Each session will begin with warm-up exercises and end with cool-down exercises. Participants are encouraged to walk at their own pace. For more information, call 432-1892.
The Council on Latin American Studies has announced the second annual undergraduate competition for summer study abroad scholarships in Mexico. Preference will be given to freshmen and sophomores, to potential majors in Spanish or Latin American Studies, and to students planning advanced study of Spanish.
The scholarships cover partial tuition for language study at the Universidad de las Americas (UDLA) in Puebla, Mexico, from May 28 to July 11. There is an option to choose between dorm-style and home-stay living arrangements. The deadline is
March 26. For further information contact the council ofÞce at 432-3422 or e-mail latin.america@yale.edu.
The history of art department has announced the annual competition for the Sylvia Ardyn Boone Prize, in memory of the Þrst tenured African-American woman on Yale's faculty. The prize is given for the best written work by a Yale graduate student on African or African-American art. A committee of faculty from history of art and African and African-American studies, chaired by the director of graduate studies in history of art, will make the selection.
Sylvia Boone died in 1993, after a distinguished career as an art historian. On the occasion of what would have been Boone's birthday in Sept. 1994, Vera Wells '71 made a generous gift through personal and matching corporate funds to establish the prize.
Applications should be submitted to Mary Miller, director of graduate studies, history of art, at the history of art ofÞce, 56 High St., by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 26.
The Yale Psychological Services Clinic offers psychotherapy to individuals who are having problems with relationships, depression, panic attacks, obsessions or compulsions, anxiety in social situations or fear of public speaking. Services are conÞdential and are provided on a sliding-fee scale basis. For more information, call 432-4520.
The Pew Program in Religion and American History has announced fellowships for Yale graduate students whose dissertation projects stress interrelationships between religion and American history in any era and region from 1600 to 1980. Five Ph.D. summer fellowships of $5,000 and two one-year Ph.D. fellowships of up to $15,000 are available. The deadline is Monday, April 19. For more information, call 432-5870.
Applications are invited for the John Heinz Government Service Fellowship for this summer. The fellowship is open to all sophomores and juniors in Yale College who demonstrate that their intellectual or personal development would be signiÞcantly enhanced by a government service internship in federal, state or local government during the summer following the sophomore or junior year. The stipend is approximately $2,500, awarded to one winner or divided between winners, and may be used in lieu of earnings and for travel, living, and related expenses.
Classmates of the late senator Heinz '60 established the fellowship in 1992 to honor his achievements and to foster the spirit of public service he exempliÞed. For more information, contact the Undergraduate Career Services Fellowship Program at 432-0820.
The OfÞce of Foreign Students and Scholars (OFS&S) is notifying foreign students about documentation requirements for intended work and travel.
F-1 students who are planning temporary visits outside the U.S. during the spring and/or summer must have either the Form I-20 endorsed by an Adviser (Designated School OfÞcial) to Foreign Students and Scholars or obtain a new Form I-20 in order to request a visa and re-entry into the U.S. Two weeks notice is requested.
J-1 exchange visitors must use the pink copy of a valid form IAP-66 to re-enter the U.S. If the intention is to return and continue in the same program, the back of the pink copy must be signed by an Adviser to Foreign Students and Scholars (for those under Yale sponsorship) prior to leaving the U.S. This signature should be valid for one year or up to the validity date of the IAP, whichever comes Þrst. Two weeks notice is requested.
Foreign students who will complete a degree program during the spring semester and intend to apply for practical training authorization in the U.S. must promptly visit the OFS&S, 246 Church St. Continuing students who wish to apply for permission to work off-campus during the summer must also begin this process promptly.
For more information, students may
visit the OFS&S, Tuesday-Thursday, 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-noon.