Fellowship winners devote summer to work in Elm City Yale students committed to working on community projects in their host city are enjoying the chance to do so full time this summer. The 20 undergraduate students and 15 graduate or professional students have been selected as this year's President's Public Service Fellows, allowing them to work during their summer break on projects related to economic development, human development or neighborhood revitalization. (See related story.) They were selected from a pool of more than 100 applicants. Established by President Richard C. Levin five years ago, the fellowships provide stipends to students who work on community-based projects for 8 to 10 weeks during the summer, thereby freeing students from financial concerns so they can work in the public interest, and freeing community organizations from the financial burden of hiring summer help. Undergraduates interested in working as President's Public Service Fellows may apply for placements proposed by New Haven agencies, while graduate/professional students may either apply for those placements or design a community project relevant to their discipline. In addition to their daily work, fellows have a comprehensive orientation program at the beginning of the summer and meet together weekly. More than 150 Yale students have served as fellows since the program was established. The fellowship is made possible with support of Yale alumni and others. The 1999 President's Public Service Fellows and their placements are:
Marjorie Anderson '00 works at the National Youth Sports Program sponsored by Yale's Department of Athletics for more than 300 New Haven middle school Hannah Appel '00 is program director at Urban Solutions, Inc., an urban landscape business, started by a former President's Service Fellow, that employs New Haven youth. Paul Arougheti, School of Architecture '01, is working on the development of urban design strategies for the Hill neighborhood of New Haven through the Yale Urban Design Workshop (UDW). Adena Bargad, School of Nursing '00, provides women's reproductive health care as a student nurse-midwife at the Women's Center of Yale-New Haven Hospital. Louise Bernard, Graduate School '03, is working for the c New Haven Free Public Library, where she is devising a creative reading and improvisation program for elementary and middle school children. She is also involved in the library's Summer Reading Program. Joseph Cubas '02 is a teacher at the Summerbridge program for New Haven youth at the Hopkins School. Diane Curran, Law School '01, is working at the Yale-based Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization, focusing on immigration law. Dominique Davison, School of Architecture '00, is assisting the Greater Dwight Development Corporation in gathering information for the planning processes currently evolving in the Dwight neighborhood of New Haven. Andrew Faehnle '00 has been engaged in numerous capacities at the International Festival of Arts and Ideas, and documented the event on video. William Fick, Law School '01, works at the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization, providing legal representation to prison inmates in multiple correctional institutions in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Fitzpatrick '01 is assisting the New Haven Police Department's GIS mapping system and conducting research pertaining to city and suburban perceptions of public safety in New Haven.
Greta Gao '01 is a teacher in the Ulysses S. Grant Foundation, which serves nearly 100 academically talented but financially needy New Haven middle and high school Amie Giordano '00 is assisting the summer program coordinator at Christian Community Action in preparing activities for children in emergency housing. She also manages the high school student volunteers at the agency.
Garth Graham, department of epidemiology and public health '00, is identifying funding opportunities, resource development and marketing ideas at the Hill Health Avni Gupta '00 organized and coordinates the Summer Academy for the Amistad Academy, a new charter school in New Haven for middle school students. Sarah Jeon '00 works at Footebridge, an early childhood literacy program for New Haven elementary school- children at the Foote School. Bethany Kelsch, Law School '01, works at the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization, providing legal representation to prison inmates in addition to her work in the Advocacy for Parents and Children Clinic. Philip Kim '00 is developing websites and databases at the New Haven Free Public Library. Srini Lalapet, Graduate School '00, has divided his time between conferring with the Dwight Consulting Group on neighborhood revitalization and development of new business ventures at the Enterprise Center. Donna Lawlor, School of Nursing '00, provides outreach and health care services through the Community Health Care Van and at the Fair Haven Clinic/Nathan Smith Clinic. Mi Sun Lim, School of Architecture '01, will assist in designing a daycare center on Edgewood Street in connection with the Yale UDW. Kendra Mack '01 works at the Yale Athletics Department's National Youth Sports Program. Peter Mazza '01 is participating in multiple projects in the Office of New Haven Mayor John DeStefano Jr. Katherin McArthur, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies '00, works on neighborhood revitalization efforts as part of the Urban Resources Initiative (URI) in the Hill neighborhood. Simone Nelson, School of Drama '01, is using theater as a medium for outreach and education in New Haven. Her first endeavor was to codirect the Dwight Edgewood Project, a community outreach summer program of the School of Drama. Judeth Oden '00 works with the City of New Haven's Youth Services Bureau. She is updating the New Haven Directory of Youth Services and contributing to the on-going development of the Citywide Youth Plan. Luis Perez, Divinity School '01, is devising media strategies to garner press coverage for summer activities and services at Casa Otoñal.
Madhu Pocha '01 is assisting The Community Builders, Inc. with a large multi-family development Matthew Proto '01 works at the National Youth Sports Program sponsored by Yale. Colin Reingold '02 is organizing an effort to assess and revise New Haven's Coastal Zone Management Plan at the New Haven City Plan Department.
Anika Singh '01 is conducting research related to homeownership activities at the Hill Development Roger Taylor, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies '00, is working on the neighborhood revitalization efforts of the URI. Wayne Titus '02 assists staff members to produce the New England Artists' Trust Artist Congress, International Festival of Arts and Ideas and other urban ventures at the Arts Council of Greater New Haven. Heather Topel '00 is assisting the New Haven City Plan Department in tasks necessary to update the 1953 Comprehensive Plan and the 1965 Workable Program.
Kelun Zhang '00 has provided support and assistance to the International Festival of Arts and Ideas.
Yale students working with city residents to revitalize New Haven . . .
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