Dr. Charles Atkins, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry, will read from and sign copies of his latest novel, "Risk Factor," at The Yale Bookstore on Saturday, Nov. 13, at 1:30 p.m. "Risk Factor" revolves around a senior resident in psychiatry named Molly Katz, who struggles to find out why a 17-year-old apparently stabbed a nurse to death while he was hospitalized for treatment for schizophrenia. The plot thickens as Katz and her two children are stalked by a crazed killer. Atkins' first psychiatric thriller, "The Portrait," received positive reviews when it was released last year.
Robert Blocker, dean of the School of Music and a concert pianist, will be the guest soloist in a performance of Beethoven's "Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in C Minor" by the Wallingford Symphony Orchestra (WSO) at its silver anniversary gala concert. The event will take place on Saturday, Nov. 13, at 8 p.m. at the Paul Mellon Arts Center in Wallingford. The WSO, directed by Philip T. Ventre, will also perform works by Brahms and Meriden native James Beloff, as well as Aaron Copland's "A Lincoln Portrait," with narration by Wallingford mayor William Dickinson. Two short mime pieces will be also be performed to music. Tickets are $16; $14 for students and senior citizens. Tickets can be purchased at Gallagher Travel Shoppe on East Center Street in Wallingford. For further information, call Judith Gallagher at (203) 265-2856.
Charles University of Prague in the Czech Republic awarded an honorary Doctor of Theology degree to Jaroslav Pelikan, Sterling Professor Emeritus of History, on Oct. 25. Charles University is the oldest university in central Europe. Pelikan, who has received numerous awards and honors during his career at Yale, is currently the Distinguished Visiting Professor of Classical Rhetoric at the Annenberg School for Communication of the University of Pennsylvania.
Three Yale affiliates were among over 100 scholars and professionals of nonprofit and non-governmental organizations who convened in Buenos Aires in early October to promote greater understanding of the nonprofit sector's relationship to higher education in the Western hemisphere. Yale chaplain Frederick J. Streets, as well as Lisa Berlinger, director of the Program on Nonprofit Organizations (PONPO) at the Divinity School, and Pier Rogers, associate research scholar at PONPO and the Divinity School, attended the meeting. All of the attendees are involved in a W. K. Kellogg Foundation initiative known as Building Bridges between Practice and Knowledge in Nonprofit Management Education, which hopes to improve the quality of life in communities through better management and leadership of nonprofit organizations. Another goal of the group is to expand connections between the United States and Latin America through student-faculty exchanges, cross-regional comparative research and the sharing of curricula and teaching methods, among other initiatives. Streets, Berlinger, Rogers and the other attendees visited a dozen sites in the Buenos Aires area that illustrate an array of educational and non-government programs.
The music department of The Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Connecticut, will host a concert of culturally diverse musical selections presented by Shades, an a cappella group from Yale. The concert will take place on Thursday, Nov. 11, at 10 a.m. in Founders Chapel on the Windsor campus. Created 10 years ago by a group of incoming freshmen students, Shades performs gospel, rhythm and blues, pop and jazz, while emphasizing African-American music.The concert is free and open to the public.
W E E K ' S

Levin cited for community leadership

Study reveals benefits of new prostate cancer therapy

Grant to fund national test of new teaching method

Expert on care of minority elders receives nursing field's top honor

Alumni Whiffenpoofs will reunite for 90th musical 'spree'

Perspectives on Richard Levin

Psychologist Kazdin proposes new way to assess the effectiveness of therapies for youngsters

Scientists' find vastly enhances computer memory

Library gets grant to preserve rare films from Yale's past

Yale Art Gallery exhibit traces key themes in American art and design across four centuries

Museum joins U.S.-French consortium

Marks is new director of Pierson Lab

Karl M.Waage, renowned for his geological discoveries, dies

Yale scientists to speak at NAS symposium on campus

Symposium on global climate change marks anniversary of landmark report

Reading to feature letters of Revolutionary War partners

U.S. national identity will be topic of talk by noted writer

Wrap up your holiday shopping at one-day event

And the winners are...

Chinese delegates

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