![]() | Left: Members of the freshman class gathered together on Dec. 7 in Bingham Hall for a Hanukkah celebration that included the lighting of menorahs, songs and the dreidel game.
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Sights of the Season
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Yale boasts three Rhodes Scholars
Bulldog coach, players cited for championship season
Interior Secretary will push to expand U.S. parks
Finding sheds new light on the alphabet's origins
Squash courts refurbished with alumnus' gift
Sons' gift establishes visiting professorship
Mandelbrot is appointed Sterling Professor
Former YSN dean is new master of Silliman College
McCain vows to reform government, military as president
Gary Hart warns of impending attack on U.S. mainland
Exhibit features children's books by Connecticut authors
Art Gallery exhibit explores mysterious prints
Students' new creation protects children from loaded handguns
Former tennis star wins prestigious Silver Anniversary Award
Former Bulldog urges Bears to enjoy life off playing field
Film expert's book tells of 'Scrooges' past and present
Architects in training tackle Shanghai project in China Studio
Nathan Jacobson, noted for work in abstract algebra, dies
Sheffield Fellow to discuss 'Internet Learning'
Community invited to help build labyrinth
Study questions who is choosing oophorectomy option
Grant from HHMI will support graduate education in sciences
Talks will explore relationship between faith and science
Sights of the Season
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