FOCUS program gives students a close-up view of city
Studying at Yale means living in New Haven, and living in New Haven means learning about and participating in the life of the city -- or at least that's what it should mean, according to students who established "FOCUS on New Haven" eight years ago.
The annual, week-long program gives Yale students an intensive orientation to the city. This year, 60 incoming sophomores and 22 upperclassmen leaders returned to school a week early to participate in FOCUS on New Haven.
Through the program, the students learned more about the city, its history, its assets and the challenges it faces by taking part in community service projects at local nonprofit agencies, as well as through tours led by community leaders and issue-oriented panels with area residents. FOCUS also introduced the students to local community-service opportunities.
The program encourages students to get to know their New Haven neighbors through planned events. "[I]nteraction with citizens of New Haven, as well as a view of the city that is not 'Yale-centric' are emphasized," reads the FOCUS mission statement. "FOCUS is not seen as an end, but as a means to strengthening the partnership between Yale and its New Haven home."
FOCUS activities took place the week of Aug. 22. On Sunday, the Yale students joined with residents from New Haven neighborhoods to clean up the West River, in cooperation with the New Haven Parks Department and citizen activists. Over the next four days, students in groups of about 12 served at one of seven sites.
One group painted and worked in the nursery of Amethyst House, a residential drug treatment and education program for women with children. Another group worked with "Collegiate Build III," the third house constructed by students from Yale and other local universities for Habitat for Humanity. FOCUS students also worked at Fellowship Place, an organization for psychiatric outpatients of all ages that provides occupational training programs, employment services and living skills classes. There, students assisted in the computer lab, worked on resumes and job searches, helped cook and clean, and participated in arts and crafts activities.
Other sites served by FOCUS participants were the Caesar Jerez Catholic Workers House, an outreach center in the Hill neighborhood; Community Gardens, which encompasses various botanical sites throughout the city managed by the New Haven Land Trust; the Dixwell Community House, a center providing educational support and recreation to area residents; and LifeHaven, a transitional, 60-day shelter for women and children.
Evening activities, held just off campus at Trinity Lutheran Church, included a homelessness simulation and panels on topics such as Yale-New Haven relations, education in the city and local economic issues.
This year's FOCUS coordinators were Tien Le, Erika Potter and Abby Rubin. The program is sponsored in part by Dwight Hall and the Office of the Secretary. For more information about FOCUS on New Haven, call 432-7104.
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