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In the News
"It is quite a leap to say male scorpion flies coerce sex, therefore their motivations are the same motivations of humans who rape."
-- Biologist Robert Dorit, "Book Offers Radical Take on Rape," The Hartford Courant, Feb. 6, 2000
"One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease is the alteration of brain cell processes that can lead to irreversible memory loss and cognitive abilities characteristic of the disorder."
-- Neuroscience professor Dr. Pasko Rakic, "Restimulating Cell Growth," The Hindu, Jan. 27, 2000.
"People will have problems and aches and pains. That's part of life, not necessarily due to Lyme disease."
-- School of Medicine professor Eugene Shapiro, "Lyme Disease's Effects Fade Away After Prompt Care," USA Today, Feb. 2, 2000.
"[The new U.S. international economic policy is] a new pattern of work targeted to each country's needs, rather than broad trade agreements."
-- School of Management Dean Jeffrey Garten, "U.S. Outlines Bold New Global Economic Policy," Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 2000.
"Secretary-General Kofi Annan is perhaps the first U.N. leader to appreciate that legislative oversight is a daily fact of American life and lucre, and that the U.N.'s 38th floor must court the members of both houses of Congress."
-- International law professor Ruth Wedgwood, in her article "Helms' Visit to U.N. Was a Step Forward," Los Angeles Times, Feb. 4, 2000.
"The most useful tool a surgeon has is between his ears."
-- Professor of neurosurgery Dr. Joseph Piepmeier, "Ohio Hospital Testing Goggles to Let Surgeons Keep Their Heads Still," The Associated Press, Feb. 6, 2000.
"The quality of day-care centers is not great for middle-class families, but it's surprising and distressing to see the extent to which welfare families' quality was even lower."
-- Child Study Center senior research scientist Dr. Sharon Lynn Kagan, "Study Finds Welfare Changes Lead a Million Into Child Care," The New York Times, Feb. 4, 2000.
"Ask yourself, . . . 'Why are we having this meeting? The rate of information transfer is just too low.' The virtue of this advice is it probably eliminates about half of all corporate meetings, which would probably be the most profound money-saving piece of advice ever given in the history of corporate counseling."
-- Political scientist Edward R. Tufte, "Campaigning For the Charts That Teach," The New York Times, Feb. 6, 2000.
"It's an incredibly well-kept secret that fatherhood engages men like nothing else, that it changes their lives."
-- Psychiatrist Dr. Kyle Pruett, "Man to Man," New Haven Register, Jan. 30, 2000.
"If you tell an organization that they're closing down all of their clinical research, that has many ramifications. And it can be a deadly blow to the career of a postdoctoral fellow. It has the potential to cut off people from protocols to get the best treatment they could. There has got to be a willingness to search for less-draconian measures to encourage compliance."
-- School of Medicine professor Robert J. Levine, "Spate of Suspensions of Academic Research Spurs Questions About Federal Strategy," The Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb. 4, 2000.
"The optimal treatment for an anxiety disorder would be to combine behavior treatment with medical [chemical] treatment. But the question is, how do you combine the treatments?"
-- Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Goddard, "Yale Program Helping Its Volunteers Get a Grip on Anxiety Disorders," Connecticut Post, Feb. 13, 2000.
"I think computers are the absolute last thing [youngsters] need. They need to learn reading and writing and history and arithmetic. That's what will turn them into educated citizens. That's what will make them economically productive and vastly more important. That's what will make them capable citizens and productive human beings. That's what they need."
-- Computer scientist David Gelernter, CNN Newsstand, Feb. 10, 2000.
"Hippocrates and other ancient Greek physicians documented cases of seasonal depression. It's something that to some degree is with each one of us."
-- Psychiatrist Dr. Dan Oren, "A SAD Story: Sunlight Cures Disorder that Causes the Winter Blahs," Connecticut Post, Feb. 11, 2000.
"[I]t is possible that the U.S. could stay at the top for many years to come. Yet it is wise to recall Voltaire's question: If Rome and Carthage fell, which Power is the immortal? And his answer was None."
-- Historian Paul Kennedy, "Will This Century Belong to Asia?," New Straits Times (Malaysia), Feb. 4, 2000.
"Chocolate is not a taste. Chocolate is an odor. We aren't taught this as children when we're learning about the senses. There are only a few tastes -- salty, sweet, bitter and sour."
-- Psychologist Linda Bartochuk, "Food News," The Charlotte Observer, Feb. 8, 2000.
"To our knowledge, there are no public policies in any states that are actually carrying out eugenical sterilization, even though there may be a few laws still on the books in some states."
-- Assistant clinical professor Dr. Lauris Kaldjian, "Forced Sterilization in the United States and Germany," CBS News, Feb. 16, 2000.
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