Three Yale professors will discuss and sign copies of their books at Book Haven, 290 York St.
On Tuesday, March 29, John Hollander, Sterling Professor of English, will read from his book "Reflections on Espionage," recently reissued by Yale University Press. Kang-i Sun Chang, professor of Chinese literature, and Haun Saussy, associate professor at Stanford University, will discuss their new anthology "Women Writers of Traditional China" on Thursday, March 30. Matthew Jacobson, associate professor of American studies, history and African American studies, will discuss his new book "Barbarian Virtues: The United States Encounters Foreign Peoples at Home and Abroad, 1876-1917" on Tuesday, April 4. Readings will take place at 4-5:30 p.m., and refreshments will be served. For information or to reserve a book, call (203) 787-2848.
W E E K ' S

Student and Alumni receive noted awards

YSN scientist still uncovering Agent Orange's harmful effects

Book traces 'unsteady march' to racial equality

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Yale authors will talk about their books

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