Student organist to perform at Center Church on the Green
Kenneth A. Cowan, a student of organ at the School of Music, will perform on the organ at Center Church on the Green, 311 Temple St., at 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 9. For more information, call (203) 787-0121.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S

NIDA gives Yale $11 million grant

Screening kicks off Slifka Center forum on Jews and sports

Freshman cited for battle against reading disability

Designer Dalal slowly changing men's passions about their favorite fashions

Day will be devoted to giving children 'a fun time'

Adventurer tells of his expeditions to the 'three Poles'

U.S. and Canada have a vital connection, says ambassador

Yale Opera to present Britten's 'The Rape of Lucretia'

Yale athletes host day of sports and fun for city youngsters

Lecture and panel to focus on South Asian affairs

Area students to use conflict resolution skills at annual Peace by P.E.A.C.E. festival

Conference will examine interdisciplinarity of Baroque culture

Academy sponsors talk on state's economy

Yale authors to sign copies of new works

Student organist to perform at Center Church on the Green

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