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Janeway, Srinivasan are named as new members of the NAS
Two Yale faculty members are among 60 new members and 15 foreign associates from 9 countries elected to the National Academy of Sciences for distinguished and continued achievements in original research.
Dr. Charles A. Janeway Jr., professor of immunobiology, biology and dermatology, and T.N. Srinivasan, professor and chair of the Department of Economics, were elected to the academy during its 137th annual meeting. Membership in the academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded an American scientist or engineer. Janeway was elected to membership and Srinivasan is a foreign associate--a non-voting member of the academy with citizenship outside the United States.
Janeway is known for both his theoretical insights in understanding immune responses and his experimental skills. He was the first person to advocate that new thought be given to the role of inherited defense against common microorganisms. Janeway has also spent much of his career defining the mechanism influencing the development and survival of T lymphocytes, important cells for recognition and clearance of infectious organisms.
Janeway is also known for his broad views on immunology and medicine and has continued to propose new and insightful theories on immunology and disease. He has co-authored a textbook of immunology that is widely used and praised in the training of medical scientists. During his 27 years at Yale, many postdoctoral and clinical fellows, graduate and undergraduate students have trained in his laboratory and contributed to his research. In 1991, he won the Bohmfalk Award for best basic science teaching in the medical school curriculum. He also co-chairs the Dean's Committee for Medical Education.
Janeway comes from a family of doctors and scientists. His grandfather, Theodore Caldwell Janeway, discovered a means to measure blood pressure. His father, Charles A. Janeway, discovered the first immunodeficiency disease, and one of his daughters, Katherine Janeway, will soon graduate from Harvard Medical School.
Srinivasan has published extensively on international trade, development, agricultural economics and microeconomic theory. His most recent books include "Eight Lectures on Indian Economic Reforms" and "Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trading System: From the GATT (1947) to the Uruguay Round and the Future Beyond."
Srinivasan previously served as professor and research professor at the Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi. He has taught at many universities, including the University of Minnesota, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins and Stanford.
Srinivasan has also worked extensively with the World Bank, serving for three years as a Special Adviser to the Development Research Center. He served on the editorial board of the "World Bank Review" and consulted with the "World Development Report" and the Economic Development Institute.
Srinivasan has co-edited many books on economics and trade policy. He is also co-author of several journals, including Econometrica and the Journal of Development Economics. He is a fellow of the American Philosophical Society, the Econometric Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The National Academy of Sciences is a private organization of scientists and engineers dedicated to furthering science and its use for the general welfare. The academy was established in 1863 by a congressional act of incorporation signed by Abraham Lincoln that calls on the professional organization to act as an official adviser to the federal government, upon request, in any matter of science and technology.
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