Long-time employees of Yale were honored for their years of service to the University on June 14 at an awards dinner held in Commons dining hall.
The honorees were:
45 years: Phyllis Hoffman, Accounts Payable.
40 years: John Beierle, Human Relations Area Files; and Johnnie Mouning, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry.
35 years: Paula Ball, Medical Library; Dorreth Cole, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Administration; Grace Epps, Kline Library; Betty Freeborn, Chemistry; Sherry Potter, Kline Library; Janet Prochownik, University Library; Richard Rephann, Collection of Musical Instruments; Edward Stevens, Athletics; Joseph Szaszfai, Audio Visual Center; and Joseph Veronesi, Commons.
30 years: Alice Armstrong, University Library; Louise Benson, Boyer Center; Linda Chiaraluce, Genetics; Ann Chieppo, Child Study Center; Willie Cooper, Pierson College Dining Hall; Gracie Dillard, Physiology; Jennie Edwards, Yale University Art Gallery; Ann Fiore, Facilities; Brenda Fisher, Development; Jane Gillis, University Library; Patricia Gunnoud, Law School; Ojie Hunter, Morse College Dining Hall; Patricia Johnson, Medical Administration; Inez Jones, Physical Plant; Dr. Moreson Kaplan, University Health Services; Raymond McCarthy, Custodial Services; Roberto Meinrath, Facilities; Jayne Miller, Applied Physics; Raymond Novak, Provost's Office; Carolyn Quattlebaum, Receiving and Delivery -- Central; Moises Rivera, Physical Plant; Gerald Ruocco, Morse College Dining Hall; Angela Rynne, Morse College Dining Hall; William Sacco, Audio Visual Center; Robert Schilling, Physical Plant; Ellen Schwartz, University Library; Pasquale Sicignano, Facilities; Edward Simjian, Grounds Maintenance; Eddie Streater, Physical Plant; Janet Sweeting, Peabody Museum of Natural History; and Philip Turcotte, Grants and Contracts.
25 years: Janet Adami, Placement and Staff Relations, Human Resources; Yusuf Ahmad, Facilities; Carmine Amento, Custodial Services; Pamela Baldwin, Cowles Foundation; Emilie Belfort, Facilities; Daphne Benas, Athletics; Nicholas Bencivengo, University Police; Sandra Bouton, University Data Center, Information Technology Services; Marybeth Brandi, School of Medicine M.D./Ph.D. Program; Alexandra Braren, Computer Science; Elouise Cain, University Library; Leonard Calandriello, Comparative Medicine; Mary Camerato, Payroll; Sharon Cawley, University Data Center, Information Technology Services; Sarah Clark, Yale University Press; Christiane Coady, Pediatrics; Carolyn Cofrancesco, Facilities; Pamela Colesworthy, Sociology; Carolina Crockett, Internal Medicine Clinical Research; Susan Crockford-Peters, Cross Campus Library; Peter Cuticello, Physical Plant; Patricia Di Natale, School of Medicine Alumni Affairs; Douglas Draffan, Physical Plant; Lynn Esposito, Therapeutic Radiology; Marilyn Feldman, Internal Medicine Endocrinology; John Finelli, Physical Plant; Lucy Fleming, School of Medicine Facilities; Jo-Ann Forslund, Law School; Dale Fuller, Yale Psychiatric Institute; Joan Gesmonde, Pharmacology; Patricia Gormley, Dermatology; Mary Greene, Campus Mail -- Central; Charles Grench, Yale University Press; Randolph Harrison, Grounds Maintenance; Nancy Haughwout, Grant and Contracts; Catherine Haynes, Pathology; Russell Hentz, Reprographic Imaging, Information Technology Services; Eric Hoag, Peabody Museum of Natural History; Loretta Housely, Physical Plant; Paula Jackson, School of Medicine Clinical Administration; Carrie Johnson, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Ulla Kasten, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; Robert Killheffer, University Library; Sun Ae Kim, Purchasing; George Klocek, University Data Center, Information Technology Services; Joseph Koenen, Physical Plant; Rita Kolb, Pediatrics; Gary Lavorgna, Physical Plant; Peter Leonardo, Physical Plant; Fannie Lytle-Martin, Custodial Services; Elizabeth Malinowski, Office of Professional Services; Geraldine Mancini, Diagnostic Radiology; Elizabeth Marshall, School of Medicine Financial Operations; M. Marlene Martin, Human Relations Area Files; Susan Matheson, Yale University Art Gallery; Bennie Mayes, Pathology; Sekiko McDonald, East Asian Collection; Jerline McNair-Evans, Facilities; John Meeske, Yale College Dean's Office; Gregory Meyer, Physical Plant; Elaine Mitchell, Boyer Center; Annette Moore, Physical Plant; Carol Morrison, University Health Services; Madeline Mrowka, University Health Services; Patricia Napoletano, Dermatology; John Neville, Utilities; Gisela Noack, University Library; Linette Norbeau, Department of Music; Gail O'Connor, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Alice Oliver, Graduate School; Jean Palmarozza, School of Medicine Operations; Therisa Palmer, Telecommunications, Information Technology Services; Donna Parker, Epidemiology and Public Health; David Paterson, Athletics; Paul Pepin, Pharmacology; Diane Pertesis, University Health Services; Anne Marie Pollak, Development; Karoline Pollak, Development; Patricia Porter, School of Management; Robert Proto, Labor Relations; Theresa Raccio, Development; Monica Robinson, Development; Sheilah Robinson, University Library; Leslie Rosello, Psychiatry; Martin Rosenplanter, School of Medicine Facilities; Ann Sabatino, Pediatrics; Betty Jane Schiller, Yale College Dean's Office; Rose Schulz, Undergraduate Admissions; Margie Sigular, Development; Sarah Skubas, Faculty of Engineering; Martha Smalley, Divinity Library; Laura Smith, Office of Professional Services; Valarie Stanley, Office of Equal Opportunity; Junellen Sullivan, Timothy Dwight College; Astrid Swanson, Internal Medicine Cardiology; Barbara Tonry, Athletics; Eric Uscinski, Dining Services; Dominic Ventura, Facilities; Marcia Wheeler, Surgery (Urology); Sharyn Wilson, Student Financial and Administrative Services; and Joseph York, Physical Plant.
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