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Fleury to be new dean of engineering
Paul A. Fleury, an award-winning scientist and engineer who has served in a wide variety of top-level research and executive positions in industry, government and academia for the past three decades, has been named as the University's next dean of engineering.
Most recently the dean of engineering at the University of New Mexico, Fleury succeeds D. Allan Bromley, who stepped down on June 30.
"Fleury is a scientist and engineer of the highest order of excellence, and a distinguished leader in industrial and government laboratories," President Richard C. Levin said. "He brings broad knowledge of applied science and first-rate managerial skills to our efforts to strengthen engineering education and research at Yale."
Levin also praised the leadership of Bromley, the former science advisor to President Bush. "Engineering has flourished under Allan Bromley's leadership. He has recruited outstanding faculty, enlisted industrial support and introduced exciting new programs. We are grateful for his inspired vision."
At the University of New Mexico, Fleury boosted the school's engineering programs to national prominence. He spent most of the 30 years before that with Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, where he was director of materials and processing research and, earlier, director of the physical research laboratory, director of the materials research laboratory and head of the Condensed State Physics Research Department. In 1992-93, Fleury was vice president of research and exploratory technologies at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Fleury received B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics at John Carroll University in 1960 and 1962, respectively. He earned his Ph.D. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965.
Yale's new engineering dean has received prestigious awards for his research in condensed matter and optical science, and he is a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences.
"Paul Fleury is a distinguished engineer and scientist as indicated by his membership in both the U.S. National Academies of Engineering and Sciences," Bromley said. "I can think of no one to whom I would be happier to turn over the future of Yale engineering. I am delighted that he has accepted Yale's offer."
Fleury, who will assume his position formally sometime this fall, comes to Yale at a particularly opportune time for its engineering programs. In January, the University announced that it will invest at least $500 million in its buildings and programs to ensure that Yale's science and engineering efforts remain among the world's very finest. The half-billion-dollar plan calls for a new facility to house parts of Yale's revitalized programs in engineering and applied science, together with renovations of existing facilities and several additional buildings for science. The design and construction of the new engineering and applied science facility will be supported by a $24 million gift from entrepreneur John Malone, the chair of Liberty Media Corporation, who earned his engineering degree from Yale in 1963.
During its recent renaissance in engineering and applied science, Yale has increased the strength of its faculty and expanded its programs, such as by introducing interdisciplinary majors in environmental engineering and biomedical engineering. The University now offers a five-year "Select Program" that awards master's degrees to engineering students who aspire to leadership positions in technology.
The guiding force behind many of these recent initiatives was Bromley, a professor at Yale for much of the last 40 years, President Bush's science advisor from 1989 to 1993, and Yale's dean of engineering since 1993.
"The University owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to Dean Bromley, who guided Yale engineering through an exciting period of renewal and expansion," Provost Alison F. Richard said. "We will miss him dearly."
Levin will appoint an acting dean of engineering to serve until Fleury's arrival.
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