Linda Schwartz honored for her 'selfless service' on behalf of veterans
Linda Schwartz, associate research scientist at the School of Nursing, received the 2000 Chapel of Four Chaplains Humanitarian Award at a Sept. 17 ceremony sponsored by Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). The award recognizes individuals who encourage cooperation and selfless service among all people. A national spokesperson on behalf of veterans' issues, Schwartz chairs VVA's National Veterans Health Care Task Force, helped create the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Women Veterans and served as a regional coordinator for the Vietnam Women's Project. She also co-founded Project Friendship, a non-profit organization that helps veterans with housing and employment, and is past president of the Vietnam Veterans Assistance Fund.
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 $5 million will fund hypoglycemia study

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 Scholar is honored for linking biblical stories with ancient societies' social ecology

 Linda Schwartz honored for her 'selfless service' on behalf of veterans

 Concerts will feature early sacred music

 Remington to discuss new book on Darwin

 Splendor on the Grass

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