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"We haven't had the Electoral College loser being the popular vote winner in over 100 years now, but if and when it happens, people will wake up on Wednesday, and they'll say, 'Hey, how did that happen?' They'll scratch their heads and they'll think, 'Maybe we should amend the system.'"
-- Southmayd Professor of Law Akhil Reed Amar, "Akhil Reed Amar Discusses the Reason for the Electoral College's Existence," National Public Radio, Nov. 5, 2000.
"In a democracy, electoral politics are only one part of our politics, maybe the less important part. The more important part is our conversations, our debates as we try to persuade each other about the issues that divide us. In that debate, I think it's tremendously important that we give attention to diverse religious voices."
-- William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law Stephen L. Carter, "Three Questions with . . . Stephen Carter," The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Oct. 28, 2000.
"[T]he contexts of the many early uses I have examined make it clear that the color associated with the state of 'livid' anger is a pale one."
-- Associate librarian for public services Fred Shapiro, "A Lot of Hooey Can Make You Livid," The Houston Chronicle, Oct. 29, 2000.
"It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this depressed book about depressed people -- most of whom, as youngish white male Londoners, bear a family resemblance to their author, and none of whom are treated by him with the slightest ironic distance -- is the work of a depressed man."
-- Assistant professor of English William Deresiewicz in his review of 'I Like Being Killed,' "Great Depression; The Protagonists of Tibor Fischers' Stories are Lonely and Sexually Apathetic," The New York Times Book Review, Oct. 29, 2000.
"What's so frightening is that [being exposed to a] stereotype, at least in the short run, overwhelms long-held beliefs."
-- Assistant professor of epidemiology & public health Becca Levy, "The Stereotype Trap," Newsweek, Nov. 6, 2000.
"As for the general public, it often seems like there is only one question that they really want anthropologists to answer: 'Man in a state of nature -- good or evil?' Now, one could probably compile a list of a hundred different reasons why this is a stupid question (starting with the word 'man')."
-- Assistant professor of anthropology David Graeber in his article, "What Did This Man Do to the Yanomami?" In These Times, Nov. 13, 2000.
"Holistic knowledge is certainly what is desired; our Western tradition tends to focus exclusively on the intellectual and to neglect other important means of reaching wisdom and understanding."
-- President Richard C. Levin, "Educators Praise Consciousness-Based Approach for Providing Holistic Development," PR Newswire, Nov. 2, 2000.
"The Internet has made a huge impression just as the invention of the railroad did in the 19th century, when people stood at the station and saw the powerful trains rumbling in. The impression helped create a big 19th century boom in rail stock."
-- Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics Robert Shiller, "What's So New About the New Economy?" The Industry Standard, Nov. 6, 2000.
"Of course, vote-swapping does give fringe candidates more power. . . . But voters can take all of this into account when making their choices, and a little threat to the mainstream parties is as likely to be bracing as destructive. Besides, confronting opinions we don't like is unavoidable in a democracy."
-- Law School student Jedediah Purdy in his op-ed article, "How to Go to the Polls Twice," The New York Times, Nov. 3, 2000.
"Our hope is that the bipartisan nature of teaching children to read will remain on a scientific and educational plane and not become a political football. We have come too far to allow that to happen."
-- Professor of pediatrics and neurology Dr. Bennett A. Shaywitz and professor of pediatrics Dr. Sally E. Shaywitz in their letter to the editor, "Physician, Heal Thyself," The New Republic, Nov. 6, 2000.
"Nurses see all that happens in the name of health care -- the neglect as well as the cures, the reasons for failure as well as those for success."
-- Annie W. Goodrich Professor of Nursing Donna Diers in the essay, "Nursing as Metaphor," written with Dr. Claire M. Fagin, excerpted in "Becoming a Nurse: Two Views, 1900 and 2000," The New York Times, Nov. 7, 2000.
"There are patients in Methadone maintenance treatment programs who are still using. And for some individuals, being in the vicinity of those patients is itself a trigger for us."
-- Professor of internal medicine Dr. Patrick O'Connor on the advantage of treating addicts in their family doctor's office, "Study Finds the Use of Two Medications Other Than Methadone Could Help More People Beat Heroin Addiction," National Public Radio, Nov. 2, 2000.
"Obesity has become so rampant that there is no group in the population left unaffected."
-- Director of the Center for Eating & Weight Disorders Dr. Kelly Brownell, "Who Is Fat? It Depends on Culture," The New York Times on the Web, Nov. 7, 2000.
"It makes so much sense (to educate girls) that people treat it as if it's self-evident but it requires thought and energy to put it into action."
-- Malcolm K. Brachman Professor of Economics T. Paul Schultz about the economic benefit of programs aimed specifically at educating girls in developing countries, "For a Better World, Bring Education to Girls," New Haven Register, Nov. 8, 2000.
"If anyone thinks by giving an auditor some consulting work they could be bending their judgment, then they just don't understand the situation the auditor is in."
-- School of Management associate dean Rick Antle, "Separating the Advice From the Audit," The Standard, Nov. 8, 2000.
"The [CIA] has largely reformed itself on the one hand. [B]ut those sets of reforms are eternally suspect in the eyes of a very embittered generation of scholars whose formative years were the late 1960s or early 1970s. That gulf is probably unbridgeable."
-- Damon Wells Professor Emeritus of International Studies & Political Science Bradford Westerfield, "For Your Eyes Only; The CIA Will Let You See Classified Documents -- But At What Price?" Lingua Franca, Nov. 2000.
"Selecting the right people to manage assets poses the single biggest challenge to fiduciaries, since the integrity, intelligence and energy with which the outside adviser approaches investing influences portfolio outcomes in the most fundamental manner."
-- Chief investment officer David Swensen, "Swensen Proves Sweet to Yale: The U.S. University's CIO is a Controversial Figure and Something of a Guru," Financial News, Nov. 6, 2000
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