The Yale Police Department, along with the New Haven Police, have begun a program that targets vehicles exceeding the city's posted 25 mph spped limit by stationing a combination special rader unit-traffic flow monitor at busy intersections.
The special trailered units, now placed througout the campus and other areas downtown, accurately record and display -- in large neon letters -- an approaching vehicle's speed. It also compiles data on traffic flow directed towards the unit.
Connecticut state law requires that motorists "grant the right of way of stopping or slowing, if necessary," at any crosswalk "not controlled by an officer or a traffic signal" whenever a pedestrian steps to the curb or entrance to a crosswalk. Yale and New Haven police are proceeding with a multi-step enforcement program, beginning with high-visibility placements of the unit, followed by issuing warnings to drivers who don't obey the law, and eventually ticketing offenders.
W E E K ' S

Study says 1 in 3 doctors don't go to the doctor

Allen Forte Chair honors renowned Yale musical theorist

Alumnus Thomas Golden creates chair in engineering

Shepardson tackling life on the gridiron in Women's Professional Football League

Author McCourt shares memories of his teaching days

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Event explores encounters between U.S., Middle East

Record-setting Bulldog garners regional awards

Czech Republic honors Demetz for scholarship


Stained Glass: Photos from around the campus

Program targets speeders

'Angelic' Russian choir to perform holiday carols

Multimedia work combines the natural and the technological to tell a tale of love

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