State honors Yale's efforts in 'revitalizing' urban areas
The state's Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) awarded its Team Connecticut Program Award to Yale's Office of New Haven Affairs.
The honor, presented on Dec. 5, recognizes Yale for its efforts in financially assisting employees in buying homes in New Haven, leveraging neighborhood development corporations in their revitalization programs, and using its vast life science reservoirs to spur development of brand new bioscience companies, with incentives to remain in the New Haven area.
During "Team Connecticut Rally" ceremonies at the Radisson Hotel in Cromwell, Governor John Rowland and DECD Commissioner James Abromaitis lauded President Richard C. Levin and Vice President Bruce Alexander for their work in "supporting and revitalizing urban areas within the state." The officials noted that the state's industry cluster strategy takes direct aim at broad, crosscutting issues that contribute to raising the quality of life in Connecticut.
"Yale is honored to receive this award from Governor Rowland and Commissioner Abromaitis because they have been such enthusiastic and effective champions for New Haven's agenda of economic growth and community development," said Alexander, director of the Office of New Haven and State Affairs and University Properties.
"New Haven is now enjoying a true renaissance, with new companies, new jobs, a vital downtown that is the cultural and creative center of the region, and neighborhoods growing ever stronger," he added. "Yale is proud to be a part of this effort and we are inspired by this award to do even more as part of the great team that is keeping New Haven a great place to study, work and live."
DECD officials said that the lynchpin in the success of the state's cities is their ability to tap into local assets, resources and strengths. They cited the state's educational system as a central resource and noted that Connecticut has in its own backyard "a first-class international academic institution that is working to enhance the economic development profile of its New Haven home and Connecticut in general," especially through the efforts led by Yale's Office of New Haven and State Affairs.
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