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Yale SOM appointments strengthen finance, economics faculty
The Yale School of Management (SOM) took another step toward increasing its senior faculty by 60% with the appointment of six new professors.
The new appointments bring the number of total full-time faculty at Yale SOM to 51. With its small student body -- 400 students -- and its requirement that all faculty teach in the M.B.A. program, Yale is one of the few graduate business schools to offer such close accessibility to faculty in small classroom settings, Dean Jeffrey E. Garten notes.
Building on last year's appointment of seven junior and senior professors, these new appointments also advance the school's long-range goal of focusing on the areas of finance, economics, accounting and business strategy, says Garten.
Many of these recent hires are housed or serve as fellows in Yale SOM's International Center for Finance (ICF).
"Our goal is to develop one of the world's foremost international institutions for financial research by selecting scholars who are accomplished teachers, researchers, and practitioners," says Garten. "The ability to continually bring in world-class faculty is a sign of the school's vitality and burgeoning reputation."
The new faculty are:
Ivo Welch, professor of finance, who joins the Yale faculty from the University of California at Los Angeles. He has broad interests in finance, economics, strategy, and entrepreneurship, and his past work includes publications on initial public offerings and imitative behavior. His research papers have won awards such as the Moskowitz Prize for the best paper on socially responsible investing (1999) and the Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Award.
Jonathan Koppell, assistant professor of politics, policy and organization, who is from the political science doctoral program at the University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on the government's role in business and can be found in the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times and the Industry Standard.
Harry Mamaysky, assistant professor of finance, who comes to Yale from the financial economics doctoral program at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He formerly was assistant vice president at Citibank and currently researches theoretical and empirical asset pricing, market microstructure, empirical finance, risk management and financial engineering.
Gans Narayanamoorthy, assistant professor of accounting, who joins the Yale faculty from the University of Rochester's doctoral program in accounting. He has investment banking experience in public offerings and international securities and currently focuses on financial accounting in his research.
Nathan Novemsky, assistant professor of marketing, who comes to Yale from the doctoral program in social psychology at Princeton University. He spent time at Wharton's Decision Processes Center as a visiting scholar and currently researches consumer behavior, marketing management, marketing research, advertising and negotiation.
Sandra Spataro, assistant professor of organizational behavior, who is from the doctoral program in business administration at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business. She has extensive experience at Oracle Corporation and now researches the formation of informal status hierarchies in organizations and how status levels affect individuals' work experiences.
Several other new faces will grace the classrooms of Yale SOM this year. They are:
Stuart I. Feldman, who will teach the new course "Electronic Marketplaces of the Future." He is director of IBM's Institute for Advanced Commerce and of networked computing software research at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.
David Gelernter, professor of computer science at Yale, who will teach "Operating Systems: The Internet and the Web" at Yale SOM.
Bruce Judson '84 J.D., '84 M.B.A., who as management fellow will team-teach the new Yale SOM course "E-Business and Marketing" with Yale professor Ravi Dhar, Judson is president and founder of The Judson Group, Inc., an Internet media and investment firm. He was also one of the founders of Time Warner's Pathfinder Web site.
Thomas Krens '84 M.B.A., who with Martin Shubik will team-teach a course on "Culture and Commerce: Museums in the 21st Century." Krens is director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and a member of the Yale SOM advisory board.
Werner Stanzl, who as a postdoctoral research associate and lecturer will teach "Financial Engineering." He comes to Yale from Columbia University's doctoral program in economics and is a specialist in finance theory, industrial organization and econometrics.
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