Finding common ground is topic of Law School's reunion events
"E Pluribus Unum" -- the Latin phrase meaning "one out of many" is the motto on the American Great Seal and is printed on every U.S. coin -- will be the theme of the Law School's Alumni Weekend, Sept. 22-24.
Although made up of words from a "dead" language, the phrase "conjure[s] our future and connect[s] us to our past," says Law School Dean Anthony Kronman in the reunion brochure, where he notes that the Founding Fathers selected the meaningful motto more than two centuries ago.
Today the phrase signifies "just what it meant at the start," he adds, "the challenge to gather ourselves under the shelter of a shared idea; to find, in our commitment to a common set of principles and our devotion to a few authoritative institutions, the foundation for a way of life that draws its strength not from the fact of shared descent but from the brave and still unproven proposition that men and women of different traditions, beliefs and complexions can make for themselves a common ground of reason, where distinctions can nevertheless be preserved. ..."
The ideal of a common ground will be the focus of a panel discussion to which the public is invited on Friday, Sept. 22. The discussion, titled "E Pluribus Unum? Unity and Diversity in the 21st Century," will begin at 4 p.m. in Rm. 127 of the Law School, 127 Wall St.
The panelists for the event are Kwame Anthony Appiah, professor of Afro-American studies and philosophy at Harvard University, who is the author of the award-winning "Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race"; Nicholas Lemann, a staff writer for The New Yorker and author of "The Big Test: The Secret History of the American Meritocracy"; Martin E. Marty, the Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago and the author of "The One and the Many: America's Search for the Common Good"; and Yale Law School faculty members Owen M. Fiss and Reva Siegal '78, '82 M.Phil., '86 J.D. Fiss, Sterling Professor of Law, is a scholar of civil rights law and the First Amendment, whose books include "A Community of Equals: The Constitutional Protection of New Americans" and "The Irony of Free Speech." Siegal, the Nicholas deB. Katzenbach Professor of Law, specializes in marital status law, sex equality and antidiscrimination law.
The discussion will be moderated by criminal law scholar Kate Stith, the Lafayete S. Foster Professor of Law and deputy dean of the Law School.
Members of 13 Yale Law School classes will attend Reunion Weekend. Other reunion events for the Law School alumni include a keynote address by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), workshops led by Yale Law School faculty exploring such topics as pluralism, religion in politics, federalism, globalization and feminism, and law concerning immigrants and foreign aliens.
On Saturday, the Yale Law School Association will present its Award of Merit to the Honorable Ralph K. Winter Jr. '57, '60 LL.B., chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, who taught at Yale from 1962 until his judicial appointment in 1981.
Law School alumni will also attend a memorial service for Joseph Goldstein '52 LAW, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Law and will take part in informal social gatherings and tours of the renovated Law School.
For further information, call (203) 432-1690, send e-mail to ylsalum@pantheon. or visit the Law School website at
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