The Grove Street Cemetery has been designated as a National Historic Landmark by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior -- making it one of the select sites in the country considered to "possess exceptional value or quality in interpreting the heritage of the United States."
There will be a ceremony marking this designation at the Grove Street Cemetery on Saturday, Sept. 23, at 2:30 p.m. The public is invited.
Only 3% of all properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places are designated as National Historic Landmarks. The Grove Street Cemetery is one of only 60 National Historic Landmarks in Connecticut, and it is the ninth such landmark in New Haven, which boasts the most National Historic Landmarks in the state. It is one of only a few cemeteries to be designated a landmark anywhere in the United States.
The ceremony on Sept. 23 will feature song and proclamations, along with remarks from Mayor John DeStefano; Yale President Emeritus Howard Lamar, who chairs the cemetery association, and Robert Leeney, a leading historian of the New Haven community.
Immediately following the ceremony, there will be a reception in the common room of the McDougal Center at the Hall of Graduate Studies, 320 York St.
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