Noted vocalist William Warfield will perform on Friday, Sept. 22, as part of the School of Music's Duke Ellington Fellowship series.
Highlights of Warfield's career spanning 50 years include his performance in the title role in George Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess" and in NBC's Hallmark Hall of Fame production of Marc Connely's "The Green Pastures."
Warfield will be joined by the Mitchell-Ruff Duo at 8 p.m. in Morse Recital Hall, Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College St. Tickets are $8-$25. Patron tickets to benefit the Children's Hospital at Yale-New Haven can be purchased by calling (203) 785-6935.
Warfield will also present a vocal master class in Morse Recital Hall the following morning on Saturday, Sept. 23, at 10 a.m. Admission to this event is free.
For more information, call (203) 432-4157 or visit
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