Sometimes challenges come in pairs -- or at least they did for Dr. Keith Ruskin when he saved the lives of twin infants during a flight home from Amsterdam.
Ruskin, associate professor of anesthesiology at the School of Medicine, was returning from a medical meeting en route to New York on Aug. 9 when a commotion erupted several seats away. Members of a Ukrainian family were desperately crying for assistance. The flight attendants asked over the intercom if there was a physician on board the aircraft.
"I went to the back of the plane and found 12 people wailing and a baby who was not breathing," recalls Ruskin. "No one spoke English. I tried to take the baby, but the mother pulled him away. I reached for the baby again and gave him a jaw thrust, which is pulling his jaw forward to clear his airway, and he started breathing."
A Dutch couple, one of whom spoke Ukrainian and the other English, stepped forward to serve as interpreters as Ruskin tried to determine the cause of the problem. The airline also contacted a pediatrician via satellite at the University of Pittsburgh to consult with Ruskin.
Believing the child had experienced a febrile seizure, which is brought on by a high temperature, Ruskin gave the infant fluids and baby Tylenol. The child's mother, now less frightened, told Ruskin that the baby was
one of twins and asked if he would mind looking at the second child.
"Sure enough, he looked sick and had a high temperature but he had not seized, so I gave him fluids and baby Tylenol too," says Ruskin. "Both of the babies looked like they were doing well, so I sat down and 5 or 10 minutes later the commotion started again. The second baby was seizing."
After resuscitating the second child, Ruskin told the pilot it was best to get the infants to a hospital as quickly as possible. "I just decided at that point that it would be impossible to care for both children by myself," he says.
Within minutes the plane touched down in Bangor, Maine, where paramedics were waiting for the children. Ruskin learned later from the airline that the babies were diagnosed with untreated, severe ear infections. Neither had nursed for at least 12 hours. A lack of fluids and food, and their high temperatures from the ear infections, combined to bring on the seizures.
"The punch line is, we're on the ground and I'm talking to one of the flight attendants who says, 'This must be a new experience for you.' I said no," Ruskin says. "I told her the year before I helped a woman who briefly lost consciousness during a plane trip. It turned out the flight attendant had been on that flight too and had called for a doctor's assistance."
In thanks for Ruskin's help, Delta airlines sent the Yale professor a letter of gratitude and a basket of fruit.
-- By Jacqueline Weaver
W E E K ' S

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