| General Information |
| Hours: Friday 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Come by the Visitor Information Center, 149 Elm St., for additional copies of the Parents' Weekend schedule, copies of the Yale Bulletin & Calendar, campus maps, and for other kinds of general information and assistance.
| Friday, October 20 |
Lunch | 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Lunch in the residential colleges. (Saybrook College families are welcome in any of the other 11 colleges.) |
Yale University | 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. An opportunity for parents to learn about and become |
Health Services | familiar with health services available to Yale students. Tours of the Yale |
Open House | University Health Services building will be available. Refreshments will be served. yuhs, 17 Hillhouse Ave. (4th floor--Room 405). |
Special Tours | 1 and 3 p.m. "From Dinosaurs to Egypt." A 45-minute highlights tour of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 170 Whitney Ave. Free admission for parents and family members. |
Faculty Lectures | 2-3 p.m. "Legacies of Collaboration and Resistance during World War II France," by John Merriman, the Charles Seymour Professor of History. Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Room 101; "Hands-on Biblical Criticism at Yale," by Leslie Brisman, professor of English. Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Room 204; "Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: Dialogues with Rosseau," by Hilary L. Fink, assistant professor of Slavic languages and literatures. Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Room 205; "Great Unsolved Problems in Computer Science," by James Aspnes, associate professor of computer science. Davies Auditorium, Becton Center, 15 Prospect St. |
Special Tours | 3:30-4:15 p.m. Highlights tour of the Yale University Art Gallery led by undergraduate Yale students. Chapel and York streets. Free admission. |
Panel Discussion | 4:45-6 p.m. "Yale College Life," moderated by Betty Trachtenberg, associate dean of Yale College and dean of student affairs. Panelists: Richard Chavolla, assistant dean of Yale College, director of the Latino and Native American Cultural Centers; Harvey Goldblatt, master of Pierson College, chair and professor of Slavic languages and literatures; Nicole Parisier, dean of Branford College; and Mark Schenker, associate dean of Yale College and dean of academic affairs. There will be an opportunity for parents to ask questions. Room 114, Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall, corner of Grove & College streets. |
Dinner | 5-7 p.m. Dinner in the residential colleges. (Saybrook College families are welcome in any of the other 11 colleges.) Ezra Stiles dining hall will be open from 4 to 7 p.m. |
Yale-Penn. | 7 p.m. Bus transportation available from Payne Whitney Gym. Buses will |
Soccer (m) | leave every 10 to 15 minutes; schedule will be posted at Payne Whitney Gym. |
Concerts | 5-6 p.m. Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs. Performance of Yale songs, American classics and folk tunes on the 54-bell carillon inside Harkness Tower. Old Campus, directly in front of Harkness Tower. Free admission. |
| 9 p.m. "Mood Indigo: An Evening of Dance and Live Music," sponsored by Alliance for Dance at Yale College. Morse College dining hall, 302-304 York St. Admission: $2 adults and students. |
| 9 p.m. Parents' Weekend Jam, featuring the Yale Whiffenpoofs and Whim 'n Rhythm, the two senior a cappella singing groups. Battell Chapel, corner of College and Elm streets. Admission: $10 students, $15 adults. Reservations strongly recommended; tickets on sale noon-5 p.m., Dwight Hall Common Room, 67 High St. Call (203) 776-7800 for advance purchase tickets. |
Theater | 7 and 10 p.m., "Speed-the-Plow" by David Mamet, an undergraduate production. Nick Chapel, Trumbull College, 241 Elm St. Admission: $2 students and adults. Limited seating; for reservations, e-mail elizabeth.newman@yale.edu.
| Saturday, October 21 |
Breakfast | 8-10:30 a.m. Continental breakfast will be served in Calhoun and Ezra Stiles colleges only. |
Refreshments | 8:00-9 a.m. Complimentary coffee, tea and pastry. Information about Parents' Weekend is available as well. Woolsey Hall, corner of Grove and College streets. |
Panel | 9-10:15 a.m. "Education in Yale College," Richard C. Levin, president of |
Discussion | Yale University, and Richard H. Brodhead, dean of Yale College, moderators. Panelists: Deborah Davis, professor of sociology; Jonathan Holloway, assistant professor of history and African American studies; John Rogers, associate professor of English; William Segraves, associate professor of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology; Norma Thompson, associate professor of political science. There will be an opportunity for parents to ask questions. Woolsey Hall, corner of Grove and College streets. |
Tercentennial | 10:30-11 a.m. Tercentennial Welcome Address, given by President Richard C. Levin. |
Address | Beinecke Plaza. |
Brunch | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Brunch in the residential colleges. (Saybrook College families are welcome in any of the other 11 colleges.) |
Special Tours | 11 a.m. Introductory tour of the Yale Center for British Art, 1080 Chapel St. |
| 10-3 p.m. "Behind the Scenes" tours of the Peabody's collection rooms. Free. |
| 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. "From Dinosaurs to Egypt." A 45-minute highlights tour of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 170 Whitney Ave. Free admission for parents and family members. |
| 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. and 3-3:45 p.m. Highlights tour of the Yale University Art Gallery led by undergraduate Yale students. Chapel and York streets. Free admission. |
Yale-Penn. | 1 p.m. Bus transportation available from Payne Whitney Gym, 11 a.m.- |
Football Game | 4:30 p.m. Buses will leave every 10 to 15 minutes; schedule will be posted at Payne Whitney Gym. |
Yale-Penn. | noon. Bus transportation available from Payne Whitney Gym. Buses will |
Soccer (w) | leave every 10 to 15 minutes; schedule will be posted at Payne Whitney Gym. |
Yale-Penn. | 7 p.m. Bus transportation available from Payne Whitney Gym. Buses will |
Field Hockey (w) | leave every 10 to 15 minutes; schedule will be posted at Payne Whitney Gym. |
Poetry Reading | 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Poetry reading sponsored by the Yale Literary Magazine featuring Elissa Schappell and Harriet Chessman. Room 101, Linsly-Chittenden Hall, 63 High St. $6 students, $10 adults. Refreshments to follow the reading. |
Receptions | 4:30-6 p.m. Masters' receptions for parents in the residential colleges. (Saybrook College families should go to the Swing Dorm, 100 Tower Pkwy.) |
Buffet Dinner | 5-7 p.m. Special buffet dinner in the residential colleges. (Saybrook College families should go to Commons dining hall in Woolsey Hall.) |
Concerts | 7:30-9:30 p.m. Parents' Weekend Gala Concert, featuring the Yale Jazz Ensemble, David Brandenburg, music director, 7:30 p.m.; the Yale Glee Club, David Connell, music director, 8 p.m.; the Yale Concert Band, Thomas C. Duffy, music director, 8:45 p.m.; the Yale Symphony Orchestra, Shinik Hahm, music director, 9:30 p.m. Woolsey Hall. Free admission. |
| 8 p.m. New Blue and Baker's Dozen, undergraduate a cappella singing groups. Silliman Common Room, 505 College St. Tickets available at the door. |
| 8 p.m. Out of the Blue, an undergraduate a cappella singing group. Pierson College dining hall, 261 Park St. Admission: $3 students, $5 adults. |
| 8 p.m. Redhot and Blue, an a cappella singing group. Location: tba. Admission: $4 in advance, $5 at the door. |
| 8 and 10 p.m. Mixed Company and the Duke's Men, two undergraduate a cappella singing groups. Berkeley College dining hall, 205 Elm St. Admission: $5 students, $7 adults. |
| 8 and 10 p.m. Shades, an undergraduate a cappella singing group. Davenport College dining hall, 248 York St. Admission: $4 students, $5 adults. |
| 8 and 10 p.m. Something Extra and The Spizzwinks (?), two undergraduate a cappella singing groups. Dwight Hall Chapel, Old Campus. Admission: $5 students, $7 adults. |
| 8:30 p.m. Proof of the Pudding and The Yale Alley Cats, two undergraduate a cappella singing groups. Ezra Stiles dining hall, 19 Tower Pkwy. Admission: $4 students, $7 adults. |
| 8:30 p.m. The Society of Orpheus and Bacchus, an undergraduate a cappella singing group, will perform with Exit Players, an improv group. Ezra Stiles dining hall, 19 Tower Pkwy. Admission: $5 for non-students. |
Theater | 7 and 10 p.m. "Speed-the-Plow" by David Mamet, an undergraduate production. Nick Chapel, Trumbull College, 241 Elm St. Admission: $2 students and adults. Limited seating; for reservations, e-mail elizabeth.newman@yale.edu.
| Sunday, October 22 |
Breakfast | 8-10:30 a.m. Continental breakfast in Calhoun and Ezra Stiles colleges only. |
Open House | 9:30 a.m.-noon. Slifka Center and the Yale Jewish Parents Association welcome guests at no charge to an Open House Brunch in Heyman Commons, Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale, 80 Wall St. Those interested in the schedule of Sabbath and Holiday observance, meals and events should consult the Yale Bulletin & Calendar or call the Slifka Center at (203) 432-1134. |
Brunch | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Brunch in the residential colleges. (Saybrook College families should go to Commons dining hall in Woolsey Hall.) |
Reception | 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Fellowship with the Black Church at Yale and the Yale Gospel Choir. Parents are invited by the Afro-American Cultural Center to a spirit-filled worship service, officiated by Pastor Jacquelyn King, Yale Divinity School. Reception with students after the service, 211 Park St., (203) 432-4131. |
Jazz Program | 1:30 p.m. Jazz Dialect, featuring Matthew Clayton (MC '02), saxophone; Konrad Kaczmarek (MC '02), piano; Ben Landsverk (TC '01), bass; and a guest drummer. Master's living room, Morse College, 302-304 York St. |
| 3 p.m. Parents' Weekend officially ends. |