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"This election year has been very important because it is truly the first presidential race that can utilize the abilities of the Internet and other advancements in technology for weighing public opinion."
-- Assistant professor of political science John Lapinski, "MSNBC.com Conducts Study of Online Survey Techniques with Yale Faculty," Business Wire, Oct. 18, 2000.
"The problem is that [the former leaders of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia] are gone -- in some cases physically, in some cases politically -- but the ideology [of nationalism] itself is still fairly strong."
-- Bradford Durfee Professor of History Ivo Banac, "Departure of Three Major Nationalist Figures in the Balkans," National Public Radio, Oct. 19, 2000.
"Social Security is the third rail of American politics."
--James Tobin Professor of Economics John Geanakoplos in his article "Generation X," The New Republic, Oct. 23, 2000.
"The increased risk is small but small is in the eye of the beholder."
-- Associate professor of internal general medicine Dr. Walter Kernan, about findings that PPA in cold medications and appetite suppressants can cause strokes, "Cold Drug Ingredient Findings a Concern," Los Angeles Times, Oct. 21, 2000.
"Just because [arthritis] happens to some people and a bunch of lawyers say it's caused by the Lyme vaccine doesn't make it true."
-- Professor of pediatrics Dr. Eugene Shapiro, "A Vaccine Worse than the Disease?" Business Week, Oct. 23, 2000.
[Children in families where the father was the primary caregiver and the mother was the primary wage earner] felt their experiences in a nontraditional kind of family gave them a certain understanding about the world that is a little deeper. And they grew up to be less judgmental of people who were not raised in cookie-cutter situations."
-- Clinical professor of psychiatry Kyle Pruett, "Growing Up in the New Family," Newsweek Special Issue, Oct. 2000.
"It's revolutionary. . . . It will help remove some of the stigma associated with opiate dependence."
-- Professor of psychiatry Dr. Thomas Kosten about a new law that allows doctors to prescribe take-home treatments for heroin addiction, "New Law Allows Shift in Heroin Treatment," The Washington Post, Oct. 19, 2000.
"When electricity got started a lot of distributors went bankrupt. Does that mean electricity went away? No. It's the same with the Internet."
-- SOM professor Ivo Welch, "Tech Sector Gets Schooled in Economics," The Standard, Oct. 17, 2000.
"There are many birth control options available today that don't require a daily regimen of pill-taking. Women need to talk with their health care provider to identify birth control options that best fit their lifestyles. By doing so, there will be higher patient compliance and fewer unintended pregnancies."
-- Clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, "Survey Sponsored by Pharmacia Corporation Suggests Young Women Not as Smart in Bedroom as in Classroom," PR Newswire, Oct. 19, 2000.
"The study shows that when brains develop prematurely outside of the womb, they are vulnerable to developmental disturbances."
-- Associate professor at the Child Study Center Dr. Bradley Peterson, "Study Links Small Brains at Age 8 to Premature Births," The Associated Press State & Local Wire, Oct. 18, 2000.
"Medicare needs to provide secure, stable prescription drug coverage for seniors. Managed care plans, free to make business decisions based on profitability, cannot be counted on to do that. Nor, judging from their record in providing prescription drug coverage to non-seniors, would they be able to contain increases in pharmaceutical costs (and, therefore, premiums)."
-- SOM professor Theodore Marmor and SOM lecturer Mark A. Goldberg in their article, "How Can Seniors Get Affordable Drug Coverage," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Oct. 20, 2000.
"There's no evidence that adding anti-microbials to soap makes it more effective. There is evidence that there may well be emerging organisms that are resistant to these products."
-- Associate dean for government and community affairs at the School of Medicine Dr. Myron Genel, "Anti-Bacterial Backfire," New Haven Register, Oct. 19, 2000.
"The most important thing we could do for education reform is see that all kids have universal preschool."
-- Sterling Professor of Psychology Edward Zigler, "In This Race, Education at Head of Class," The Hartford Courant, Oct. 24, 2000.
"The one event that would make the election not close is, if the stock market crashes and the economy goes into a recession by election time. Time is, however, running out for this to happen."
-- John M. Musser Professor of Economics Ray Fair, "Political Experts Baffled by Gore's Uphill Struggle," Agence France Presse, Oct. 23, 2000.
"There's more of an edge to [a political campaign] the second time around."
-- Visiting associate professor of political science Nichol Rae, "5th District Race Has Sense of Deja Vu," New Haven Register, Oct. 22, 2000.
"For human beings, technological progress is like breathing."
-- Professor of computer science David Gelernter, "Future Technology Sure to be Fantastic, But Will it Improve Life?" Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Oct. 20, 2000.
"Grass-roots organizing will be critical [in the presidential election] this year. There are razor-thin margins in several key states. And any number of these states could be won by just a percentage point or two."
-- Professor of political science Donald Green, "Single-Issue Groups Are Doubly Geared Up," The New York Times, Oct. 22, 2000.
"The major-party candidates are talking about their own faith. They are talking about how it has affected them. But what they are not talking about that's often been a feature of campaigns in the past is how this faith that they profess actually affects their views about policy. Richard Nixon talked about that. And that's something we haven't heard much about this year."
-- William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law Stephen L. Carter, "Presidential Campaign's Discussion of Faith Nothing New, Professor Says," The Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct. 26, 2000.
"Historically, the vice president seeks to distance himself from the president in an attempt to fend off the 'anti-Washington' stance of an opponent criticizing the status quo."
-- Fellow in environmental & human sciences at the Divinity School Peter Gershwin Grossbard in his article, "In the Shadow of the President," San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 25, 2000.
"As far as we can tell, this guy has been there since day one of the solar system; it's one of the original players and in that sense it's like one of the planets."
-- Chair of the Department of Physics Charles Baltay, "Astronomers Locate Planetoid Near Pluto," Calgary Herald, Oct. 26, 2000.
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