Visual images from fields as diverse as dance and mathematics are featured in "Treasure Maps," an exhibition curated by Janine Antoni, currently artist-in-residence at the Yale University Art Gallery, which will be on view April 18-May 14 at ArtSpace Annex, 55 Orange St.
The show's curator and contributors will take part in an open discussion, titled "Contemplating Visual Thinking," on Thursday, April 29, from 6 to 8 p.m.
The wide-ranging images in the exhibit present "visual thinking from outside the field of fine art," says Antoni. Each of the works is a radical translation of one form into another, and "the inevitable loss implicit in translation preserves the mystery of that which is being represented," notes the translator.
Installation artist Chitra Ganesh has contributed kolams, line drawings made on the floor with rice flour, traditionally created each day by women in South Asia to protect their homes. Graphic scores from 1952 to 1953, by composer Earle Brown, are shown alongside a contemporary musical interpretation of one of his most radical scores by Michael J. Schumacher. Choreographer Elizabeth Streb has developed a color-coded form of dance notation specific to her dancers' way of moving, which in "Treasure Maps" is shown alongside documentation of the annotated dance.
Two Yale professors, whose work Antoni discovered during her Yale Art Gallery residency, are also represented. Images by Tim R. Riley, the Gibbs Assistant Professor of Mathematics, illustrate arguments in geometric group theory, which lies at the crossroads of algebra, geometry and topology. Vinzenz Unger, assistant professor of molecular biophysics and biochemistry, exhibits a video that shows, greatly magnified, the intricate architecture of molecules that allows cells to communicate directly.
Antoni is internationally recognized for her performance and installation art and has received numerous awards, including the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fellowship and the Larry Aldrich Foundation Award. She is the first Happy and Bob Doran Artist-in-Residence at the Yale Art Gallery.
"Treasure Maps" was organized at apexart in New York, where it was shown earlier this year, and is co-sponsored in New Haven by the Yale Art Gallery.
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