Eli pie
Since the 1800s, Yale students have made a sport of flinging pie-shaped objects and catching them in mid-air. Above: Students play on Old Campus under the stony eye of Nathan Hale.
 | Freshman Steffi Wu of the Ultimate Frisbee Team.
 | Freshman Janey Symington of the Ultimate Frisbee Team.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Volunteers to aid city groups on Yale Community Service Day

 Garten to step down as dean of SOM

 Burst devoted career to expanding role of nurse-midwives

 United Way honors Yale for its campaign

 Events explore medical responses to major disasters

 Former YSN dean to be named a state 'treasure'

 Two-day symposium at the School of Nursing will celebrate . . .

 Study: Light therapy as effective as anti-depressants for pregnant women

 Strong link found between teen smoking and suicide attempts

 Hatching emu eggs and a friendly condor among Peabody attractions

 Diverse visual images highlight new 'Treasure Maps' exhibit

 Yale Rep's upcoming season to feature a mix of old and new

 Polish government honors Yale curator's work

 F&ES to host workshop on environmental change

 Eli Pie

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