This month Yale officially launches its International Center for Students and Scholars, designed to serve the thousands of individuals who live, study and teach at the University.
Every year, Yale is home to more than 3,500 individuals from abroad, including nearly 1,800 students from over 100 countries and more than 1,800 international scholars who are at Yale for a period of months or years conducting research and/or teaching.
The new center features spaces where these diverse individuals can work and socialize, attend international or cultural events, and find resources to help them make the most out of their stay on campus. The facility is also the new home of Yale's Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS).
"This new place where students and scholars of all nationalities can gather for both formal and informal activities is part of our ongoing efforts to foster a greater sense of community among those who make Yale their home-away-from-home," says Vice President and University Secretary Linda K. Lorimer. "Also, we have so much to learn from our international students and scholars, and this new center will provide needed space for many of the programs and events that they currently sponsor."
Located at 421 Temple St. (across from Helen Hadley Hall), the International Center for Students and Scholars is easily spotted by the mural depicting the nations of the world that is painted on its façade.
The center occupies two floors. On the first, there is a large room where departments, student groups and other campus groups can hold conferences, receptions, educational programs, and other international and cultural events. This space can also be broken out into meeting rooms. Also on the first floor, there are computer kiosks and an OISS resource room with materials on topics ranging from information on New Haven and Connecticut to practical advice on getting settled on campus.
On the second floor, there are offices that can be used on a scheduled basis by visiting instructors, postdoctoral fellows and other international scholars who need a workspace on campus. This floor is also headquarters for the OISS, the office responsible for the general welfare of international students at the University.
"The opening of the International Center for Students and Scholars is a very exciting moment for us," says OISS director Ann Kuhlman. "We're thrilled to have such a gracious and welcoming venue and are looking forward to playing an important role in the lives of Yale's international students and scholars by expanding our programs and support, as well as exploring new ways for this community to become further involved with both the Yale and Greater New Haven communities."
Among the first activities that the OISS will sponsor in the new center is a discussion titled "U.S. Culture Exploration: Friendship & Friendliness," to be held at noon on Monday, Nov. 14. The event is part of the campus activities marking International Education Week, Nov. 14-18.
The OISS is also hosting an Open House on Thursday, Nov. 17, to introduce members of the Yale community to the International Center for Students and Scholars.
For information about other upcoming activities there, visit the OISS website at
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