Internationally recognized balloon artist Jason Hackenwerth will sculpt a menagerie of colossal inflated creatures 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17, at Yale's Peabody Museum of Natural History, 170 Whitney Ave.
As he blows, twists and shapes inflated plastic to create his air-filled giants in the Great Hall of Dinosaurs, Hackenwerth will engage visitors in an ongoing dialogue. The sculptures will remain suspended among the dinosaurs through Sunday, June 25. Viewing is free with museum admission.
Hackenwerth draws inspiration for his creations from the plant and animal kingdoms. Some of his designs are so large he literally has to wrestle pieces into place. He buys balloons by the caseload: 5,000 at a time.
A painter, sculptor, installation artist and performance artist, Hackenwerth has gained an international reputation for his work in party balloons: balloon bouquets on Venice's canals; gigantic balloon bugs strolling the streets of Paris; a floating balloon zoo in London. He will perform on the New Haven Green for Arts & Ideas New Haven on Sunday, June 18, (see related story). He has solo shows opening this summer in Chicago, Seoul and Los Angeles.
Hackenwerth was commissioned by Site Projects and the Peabody Museum. Site Projects was established in 2001 by a small group of New Haven arts advocates whose goal was to bring nationally and internationally known visual artists to the city by commissioning temporary pieces of public art.
W E E K ' S

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