The Arts of the Book Collection, part of Yale's Arts Library, is paying tribute to a groundbreaking publisher with its new exhibition, "The Janus Press -- Fifty+ Years," on view through Oct. 31.
Along with many other libraries in the United States, the Yale Library is celebrating this milestone anniversary for what has been described as one of the most important innovators in contemporary book arts.
Janus Press was founded in 1955 in San Diego, California. For over a half century, its proprietor, Claire Van Vliet, has been working with traditional formats and creating new structures for her publications, which often feature first-edition poetry.
The exhibition features a survey of books and broadsides printed by Van Vliet, showcasing her range of work featuring handmade paper and woven book bindings.
The exhibition starts with her earliest publication, "An Oxford Odyssey," with poems by John Theobald and woodcuts by Van Vliet. Important works from each decade are highlighted including first-edition poetry and the woven paper bindings Van Vliet invented. The exhibition culminates with her most recent publication, "The Gospel of Mary."
A full-color catalogue written by Ruth Fine and published by the University of Vermont Libraries contains a detailed listing of Janus Press work from 1991 to 2005, as well as indexes for all Van Vliet's work from 1955 to 2005, which is documented in several previous publications. The catalogue is available for $35. Call (203) 432-1712 or e-mail for ordering information.
The Arts of the Book Collection in Sterling Library, 120 Wall St., is open 1-4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday through Sept. 5. Beginning on Sept. 6, the hours will be 10 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday. The collection is closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday and University holidays and recess days.
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