The intersection of faith, the media and politics will be examined in the symposium "Voices & Votes: Religious Convictions in the Public Square," to be held Sunday-Tuesday, Feb. 11-13, at Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect St.
This symposium will bring together journalists, political advisers, religious leaders and academics to address important issues and gather insights from one another through panels and roundtable conversations.
Hosted by the Yale Center for Faith & Culture and the Yale Forum on Faith and Politics, the symposium is open to the Yale community and interested members of the public without charge.
In eight sessions over three days, panels and discussions will focus on issues such as "The Media's Dance with Religion," "The Political Packaging of Religion," "Presidential Campaigns and the Shaping of America's Global Priorities" and "Should Theology Shape Politics?"
Confirmed speakers at the symposium, in addition to Yale Divinity School and Yale Law School faculty, include: Ryan Anderson of First Things: The Journal of Religion, Culture and Public Life; Paul Baumann of Commonweal; Henry Brinton, author of "Balancing Acts" and senior pastor of Fairfax Presbyterian Church, Virginia; Richard Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs, National Association of Evangelicals; Richard Land, president, Southern Baptist Convention Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; Flo McAfee, former religious liaison, Clinton White House; David Neff of Christianity Today; Eric Sapp, Democratic consultant; Brent Walker, executive director, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty; and Peggy Wehmeyer, former religion correspondent, ABC News.
Representing Yale Divinity School will be Dean Harold Attridge; Randall Balmer, visiting professor of American religious history; David Miller, executive director, Center for Faith & Culture; Lamin Sanneh, the D. Willis James Professor of Missions and World Christianity; Harry Stout, the Jonathan Edwards Professor of American Christianity; Miroslav Volf, director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture; and Harlon Dalton, professor (adjunct) of law and religion.
Registration is strongly advised. For the conference schedule and to register, click on "Voices and Votes" at Questions about the event can be directed to
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