Yale Art Museums’ Open House to feature music, tours and more
Two world-renowned museums on campus — the Yale University Art Gallery and the Yale Center for British Art — are inviting the public to learn more about art and about their collections
during a free event on Thursday, Sept. 6.
The Yale Art Museums’ Open House will be held 5:30-8 p.m. in the two Louis Kahn-designed buildings,
which are across the street from one another: the British Art Center at 1080
Chapel St. and the Yale Art Gallery at 1111 Chapel St.
The evening will include tours by Yale student guides, performances by the
University’s celebrated a capella singing groups and light refreshments. The members of the
group Mixed Company will sing their greatest hits on the front steps of the
Yale Art Gallery. The other groups that will be performing throughout the
evening in various locations in the two museums include The Yale Spizzwinks(?),
Proof of the Pudding, Out of the Blue, The New Blue, The Baker’s Dozen and The Duke’s Men.
Student guides and museum staff will be on hand for conversation and to speak
more about upcoming exhibitions and events at each museum.
Founded in 1832, the Yale Art Gallery is the oldest university art museum in
the United States. The objects in its collections span the globe and range in
date from ancient times to the present day. For information, visit
The Yale Center for British Art, which was founded in 1977 by the late Paul
Mellon ’29 B.A., houses the largest collection of British art outside the United
Kingdom. The collection reflects the development of British art and life from
the Elizabethan period onward. For information, visit www.yale.edu/ycba.
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