Groundbreaking scientist joins Yale Stem Cell Center
Natalia Ivanova, a young scientist who has already made landmark contributions
to stem cell research, will join the Yale School of Medicine Stem Cell Center
as assistant professor of genetics and the first Robert McCluskey Yale Scholar.
Ivanova comes to Yale from Princeton University, where she was a research scholar
in the Department of Molecular Biology. Her research focuses on embryonic stem
cells and their contributions to early mouse development.
“Natalia has a very deep understanding of biology, yet is very savvy in
developing and applying cutting-edge technology,” says Haifan Lin, director
of the Stem Cell Center and professor of cell biology. “She also has a
keen instinct for identifying and solving big problems. The rare combination
of these remarkable qualities will, for certain, propel her to success as a leading
stem cell researcher.”
Embryonic and adult stem cells hold great promise for regenerative medicine,
tissue repair and gene therapy. Embryonic stem cells exist during embryonic
development and give rise to all cell types present in an adult. Adult, or
somatic, stem cells produce mature tissues such as blood, skin and gut.
Ivanova holds an M.S. degree in mathematics and physics from the Moscow Institute
for Physics and Technology, and a Ph.D. degree in molecular biology from the
Engelhardt Institute for Molecular Biology in Moscow. She was a postdoctoral
fellow at the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of the New York Blood
Center before moving to Princeton University.
As a graduate student at the Engelhardt Institute, ,Ivanova developed a new
approach to identify differentially expressed messenger RNAs (mRNA), that carry
gene-coding information to the ribosome, where proteins are synthesized. She
then used this approach to study early development of an African frog, Xenopus
Ivanova continued to develop transcriptional profiling technologies at the
New York Blood Center, and was granted a patent for a new technique that she
developed and used to study mouse hematopoietic stem cells, which are found
in bone marrow and can form multiple cell types.
Most recently, at Princeton, Ivanona worked to dissect the molecular mechanisms
by which mouse embryonic stem cells are able to renew themselves. These studies
uncovered a novel signature of gene expression in stem cells and introduced
a high-throughput method to identify the function of each gene. She will continue
this work at Yale.
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