 | A reader in Pierson College Library in the late 1950s.
Four decades of readers in Yale libraries are featured in exhibition
“Rough Proof: Photographs of Readers in Yale Libraries,” an exhibit of black-and-white photographs from the 1950s
to the early 1980s, is on view through Jan. 8 in Sterling Memorial Library, 120 High St.
The photographs depict anonymous and unidentified men and women studying, reading
and socializing in Sterling Memorial Library, the former Cross Campus Library
and residential college libraries over four decades. The images were taken by
a number of photographers and used in a series of Yale publications including
yearbooks, the Yale Alumni Magazine, the Yale Daily News and Yale College Introductory
The majority of photographs are unattributed, undated and give little hint as
to their intended purpose or final use, says the show’s curator Geoffrey
Little, library communications and development associate, who organized the show
with Gregory Eow, the Kaplanoff Librarian for American History, and Laura Tatum,
architectural records archivist.
“In a few cases, it is possible to identify where and when a photograph
was reproduced,” says Little, “but the exhibit takes the photographs
out of the context of their published or printed form and shows them in working
states: proofs, contact sheets and contact prints.
“Many bear evidence of editing either by the photographer or another agent
and document not only the photographic process, but also the means and methods
by which an image captured on film became a printed picture,” he adds. “Taken
out of a final published context they become individual works of art in themselves
and documentary history of library use at Yale.”
The exhibit is open to the public free of charge. Hours, along with additional
information, can be found on the Sterling Memorial Library exhibits website,
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