Conversation on health care
The Yale Child Study Center was the site of a meeting on Feb. 4 between Democratic
presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton (right) and 11 women from around
the state who are grappling with issues involving health care in their personal
and professional lives. Erin Phillips (left), a student at Yale Law School,
where Clinton earned her law degree in 1973, spoke about her work as director
of the school’s Domestic Violence Clinic, where students provide legal
services to survivors of abuse. The other roundtable participants included
Tonya Hodges of New London (center), business manager of CWA Local 1298,
and Debbie Hauser, a clinical psychologist at Yale Child Study Center (not
View video of Senator Clinton's visit to Yale: http://www.yale.edu/opa/media
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 Conversation on health care

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