President Richard C. Levin this week received the report of the study group he appointed a year ago to consider the merits of adding two residential colleges to Yale
College. Levin shared the report with faculty and students along with the
following memorandum:
Re: The Report of the Study Group to Consider
New Residential Colleges
I. Introduction
I am pleased to furnish you with the Report of the Study Group that I established
in February 2007 to examine the desirability of adding two residential colleges.
I initially appointed two committees: one to examine the impact of increasing
enrollment on our academic programs and the other to consider the impact on
student life. Joseph Gordon, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Deputy Dean
of Yale College, chaired the former committee, and Professor William Sledge,
former Master of Calhoun College and former Chair of the Council of Masters,
led the latter committee. Penelope Laurans, Associate Dean of Yale College
and Special Assistant to the President, has served ably as the Vice Chair of
both committees, and Peter Salovey, Dean of Yale College, oversaw the entire
project. The two committees joined forces last summer to ensure that the academic
and student support issues were reviewed in a coordinated fashion. Thirty-four
students, faculty and administrators worked conscientiously during the past
twelve months, and I want to thank all of them for their thoughtful work.
In my letter to the community introducing the study a year ago, I stated that “before
we decide to proceed with new colleges, we want to be certain that the quality
of the Yale College experience would be maintained or enhanced, and not diminished.” The
Study Group has explored this issue with great wisdom and depth. The Group
has helped us to see what we must do to ensure that the quality of the Yale
College experience is maintained, and it has also identified a number of areas
where the current conditions in Yale College could be improved if we undertake
an expansion of the student population. Among the areas are the availability
of physical education and performing arts facilities, and an insufficiency
of faculty resources in the undergraduate arts curriculum and in certain departments
and programs with large enrollments. The committee also raises important questions
about the role of teaching fellows in undergraduate education and the adequacy
of freshman and sophomore advising, questions raised previously by the Committee
on Yale College Education in 2003 but not yet fully resolved. The principal
recommendations of the Study Group, listed in the Executive Summary of the
Report, will be an invaluable guide should the Corporation decide to proceed
with the planning for two new residential colleges. Many other recommendations
contained in the body of the Report will provide useful guidance as well, although
we should not consider the Report a definitive blueprint. Inevitably, some
of the suggestions of the Study Group will prove infeasible, and some of the
issues identified may yield solutions superior to those suggested in the Report.
The Report of the Study Group will be presented to the Corporation later
this week with my enthusiastic endorsement. At the meeting, I will suggest
that we take two additional steps prior to seeking final Corporation approval
of the project at our June 2008 meeting:
1) the Provost, with the assistance of the Vice President for Finance and Administration,
will prepare an initial capital budget covering both the construction of the
colleges and associated facilities in support of expansion of Yale College,
and a pro forma operating budget detailing the increases in operating costs
(new faculty positions, support staff, facilities maintenance, etc.); and
2) the Vice President for Development will prepare a fundraising plan for soliciting
the gifts in support of the project and related new expenses.
II. The benefits of increasing the enrollment of Yale College
Given the charge to the Study Group, the Report focuses in great detail on
what must be done to implement a transition to new colleges that would not
diminish, and would enhance, the Yale College experience. The Report does not
elaborate on the very considerable positive benefits from expanding our undergraduate
enrollment, benefits that the Fellows of the Corporation have articulated on
several occasions in recent years.
The last significant increase in the size of the Yale College student body
came with the admission of women in 1969. As the Report notes, when Morse and
Ezra Stiles Colleges were opened in 1962, enrollment in Yale College increased
only slightly (from 3,860 to 3,978), since the new colleges were then intended
to relieve the overcrowding of the ten original colleges. Enrollment crept
up to 4,100 by the mid-1960s, but took a big leap in the fall of 1969, to 4,686.
It increased again under the budgetary pressures of the 1970s, when the endowment
lost nearly half its purchasing power. By 1978, undergraduate enrollment first
reached 5,200, and it has fluctuated between 5,150 and 5,350 ever since.
When women were first allowed to apply to Yale College, the number of applications
soared immediately from 6,781 to 10,039, and the number fluctuated between
9,000 and 13,000 until 2001, when it began a steady rise to its current level
of 22,500, spurred by dramatic improvements in financial aid, wider awareness
of Yale’s accessibility, the extension of full need-based aid to international
students, and a growing appreciation of the quality of a Yale College education.
Along with the rise in applications has come an equally dramatic increase in
yield (the percentage of those admitted who accept Yale’s offer) from
53% when I became president to over 70% in recent years.
The principal result of these changes in the admissions picture is that Yale
College has become significantly more selective. From 1969 to 2000, the percentage
of applicants admitted to Yale College fluctuated between 18% and 27%. It was
above 20% as recently as 1999. Today, Yale College admits fewer than 10% of
its applicants. Long-serving admissions officers agree that in each of the
past several years we have denied admission to hundreds of applicants who would
have been admitted ten years ago. Despite the well-documented decline in the
average performance of U.S. high school students compared with those in other
nations, the number and quality of superbly qualified U.S. applicants to Yale
continues to increase.
The mission of Yale College is to seek exceptionally promising students of
all backgrounds from across the nation and around the world and to educate
them, through mental discipline and social experience, to develop their intellectual,
moral, civic and creative capacities. The aim of this education is the cultivation
of citizens with a rich awareness of our heritage to lead and serve in every
sphere of human activity. For three centuries, we have made this aspiration
a reality, to the great benefit of the nation and, increasingly, the world.
Today, we have a long queue of highly qualified applicants who would collectively
allow Yale to make an even greater contribution to society if more could be
educated here. We also have the financial resources and the capacity to raise
funds that would make this expanded contribution possible. Since the late-1970s,
when the undergraduate population ceased to grow, Yale is larger in virtually
every dimension: faculty, staff, library and museum resources, and physical
presence. I believe that it is time to use our augmented resources to prepare
a larger number of the most talented and promising students of all backgrounds
for leadership and service.
There are also other arguments favoring expansion, though each is distinctly
secondary to the principal argument that is rooted so clearly in Yale’s
mission. As the Study Group’s Report emphasizes, a larger student body
would require a larger faculty, especially in departments and programs that
are under enrollment pressure now. Expanding the faculty would have substantial
benefit for undergraduates, but it would also strengthen graduate education,
augment Yale’s contribution to the advancement of knowledge through research,
and enhance the standing of departments and programs relative to our peer institutions.
Building new colleges in the location that we are considering (in the triangle
just north of the Grove Street Cemetery bounded by Prospect, Canal, and Sachem
Streets) would also help to create a new sense of the geography of our campus
by enlarging the footprint of Yale College. In time, I believe that the presence
of undergraduate residences north of Grove Street would completely alter the
perception that Science Hill is “too far away” from the “center” of
campus, a point that I further develop below. In fact, the site proposed for
the new colleges is only three blocks north of Elm Street, which divides the
Old Campus and the Cross Campus. As the Report indicates, the new colleges
have the potential of making the whole campus seem smaller, more effectively
linking Science Hill with the historic “center” through the proper
treatment of Prospect Street, the creation of appropriate “stepping stones” along
the way, and the development of facilities for student activities at, near,
and beyond the site of the new colleges.
A larger enrollment would also have positive and perennial benefits for the
economy of New Haven, arising from the expenditures of students themselves
and the University’s expenditures on their behalf, including the creation
of new employment opportunities. It is encouraging that both the Mayor and
the Board of Aldermen have wholeheartedly supported the expansion of Yale College.
III. Parameters for the new colleges
Before commenting on the advice of the Study Group, let me clarify some of
the important parameters that we have established for the proposed new colleges.
First, each college would incorporate all of the major features of our existing
colleges – separate dining halls and common rooms, courtyards, Masters’ Houses,
and student suites built on an entryway system, rather than on corridors.
Second, in our initial planning we determined, with the advice of the Council
of Masters and the Dean of Yale College, that the new colleges should house
their own freshmen, like Timothy Dwight and Silliman College. The Study Group
Report affirms by a student poll what I have learned from casual empiricism
over many years: students in Silliman and Timothy Dwight overwhelmingly favor
four-year colleges while students in the other ten colleges overwhelmingly
favor three-year colleges with freshmen on Old Campus. The Study Group, while
not taking a position, has requested further consideration of this issue. I
will confess that my personal view is that four-year colleges, with freshmen
living in close proximity to one another within a larger community that includes
upperclassmen, are better for the social and intellectual development of freshmen.
In deference to the Study Group’s recommendation, I will open-mindedly
confer once again with the Council of Masters and the Yale College Dean’s
Third, for planning purposes I anticipate that each of the new colleges be
approximately 235,000 square feet, which is about 10% smaller than Silliman
College. As explained below, some space in the new colleges would be used to
reduce the population of the existing colleges by approximately 175 students
and eliminate the need for annex housing. The resulting increment in the overall
undergraduate population will depend on the propensity of juniors and seniors
to live off-campus and the total number of beds in the new colleges. The most
likely result would be an increase in the number of students by 12 to 13%,
from 5,300 to 5,950 or 6,000. By co-locating the two colleges (in the manner
of Saybrook and Branford, or Pierson and Davenport), we would be able to achieve
some efficiencies, such as having one kitchen support two serving areas and
two dining halls, as well as sharing some of the amenities that are typically
housed in the basements of the colleges.
Fourth, in accordance with the timetable that the Corporation discussed when
I first charged the Study Group, if the project is given final approval this
spring we would expect to break ground for the new colleges no later than the
first half of 2011 and open them to students no later than the fall of 2013.
Lastly, it is not my intention to recommend any change in Yale College admissions
practices, although we have ample time to address this issue before we start
admitting students. For planning purposes, we expect that the percentage of
international students and the distribution of intended majors will not change
significantly. Because we do not expect to increase the number of varsity teams,
the number of recruited athletes will not grow.
IV. Response to the Study Group’s Recommendations
In the reflections that follow, I respond to each of the 15 principal recommendations
listed in the Executive Summary of the Study Group’s Report. Instead
of responding point-by-point, however, I have reorganized the material to try
to capture some of the Study Group’s major themes and to put their recommendations
in context.
A. The addition of two new colleges would relieve some current pressures on
Yale’s physical and human resources.
The existing residential colleges
The Study Group recommends that approximately 175 places in the two colleges
should be devoted to alleviating overcrowding in the existing colleges by eliminating
undesirable annex housing on the Old Campus and elsewhere. This is a worthy
objective, as it is widely believed that the prospect of annex housing often
drives off campus juniors who would prefer to remain in their colleges.
The Payne Whitney Gymnasium
The Israel Fitness Center in Payne Whitney Gymnasium is so popular that it
is at capacity much of the day. We are already planning the creation of a second
large exercise facility on Science Hill to serve not only the new colleges,
but also faculty and students in the sciences as well as the professional schools
on the northern end of campus. This should alleviate the crowded conditions
at Payne Whitney for the rest of the community.
Faculty in departments with a large number of majors and in interdisciplinary
Currently, there is a serious shortage of faculty in the Department of Political
Science, and an insufficient number of junior and senior seminars taught by
ladder faculty in the Departments of History and Economics. All three of these
departments need to grow if majors are to be adequately served, and, indeed,
there are already plans for significant growth in Political Science and Economics.
The prospect of increased enrollment gives us added incentive to develop more
ambitious growth plans for each of these departments.
Similarly, we are currently pressed to find sufficient teaching resources
to cover some of our most successful interdisciplinary teaching programs, such
as Perspectives on Science and Directed Studies. There is also substantial
excess demand for access to courses in Theater Studies, Film Studies, and Art.
Whether we expand or not, we need to develop mechanisms to ensure that these
programs are adequately staffed.
The advising of freshmen and sophomores
The Study Group notes, as did the Committee on Yale College Education in 2003,
that while students are typically well advised once they choose a major, we
have too few faculty members sufficiently well-versed in the breadth of the
curriculum to serve as helpful advisers for freshmen and sophomores. This has
been a recognized problem in Yale College as long as I have been on the faculty.
The Study Group is right in thinking that the prospect of expansion makes it
imperative that we bring fresh and imaginative solutions to bear on the problem
of freshman and sophomore advising. I will ask the Dean of Yale College to
make this a high priority.
B. The location of the new colleges provides opportunity to enhance the entire
The Study Group observes that most undergraduates are concerned that the colleges
would be too far from the historic center of campus, and it has provided numerous
recommendations that would turn the apparent liability of the location into
an asset. For example, the Study Group recommends that we improve Prospect
Street north of Grove Street to create both “stepping stones” along
the way to the new college and amenities on or near the site itself. It is
worth noting that some of the investments that are already in progress will
help to shorten the perceived distance to the new site and to Science Hill
and make the walk more attractive. For example, the recently completed Rose
Center and the soon to be built new home of the Yale University Health Services
will transform Lock Street behind the cemetery into an attractive, landscaped
pedestrian passage from Morse, Ezra Stiles, and the Payne Whitney Gym to Science
Hill and the site of the new colleges. And Rosenkranz Hall, the new home of
the Political Science Department that is currently under construction on the
east side of Prospect, will provide a much more attractive façade than
the back of Luce Hall.
Among the facilities the Group recommends for Prospect Street are a student
café, classroom space, exercise facilities, a theater suitable for musical
comedy and dance performance, rehearsal space for singing and theatrical groups,
and meeting space for student organizations. I believe that we should pursue
all of these suggestions. A student café on the ground floor of Becton,
possibly augmented by a convenience store, is a particularly attractive idea.
It could serve as a lighted beacon at night and attract not only undergraduates
but also graduate students and faculty from the north end of campus. A new
building, soon to be planned for the current site of the University Health
Services, will more than compensate the Faculty of Engineering for any temporary
loss of space.
We will also act upon the Study Group recommendations to strengthen shuttle
bus service, to enhance security in the entire area surrounding the new colleges,
and to improve the sidewalks and intersections along Prospect Street to make
them attractive, well lit and safe. We also should consider, as the Study Group
suggests, how we could make the entire campus friendlier to the use of bicycles.
C. We will need to make a number of substantial investments beyond the construction
and operation of the new residential colleges for the expansion of Yale College
to be successful.
Increasing the size of Yale College by approximately 12% will require additional
faculty to ensure that students continue to have access to small classes and
personal supervision. But, as the Study Group notes, the need for increased
faculty will differ from department to department and program to program. Some
departments with excess teaching capacity will need no additional faculty;
some will need a roughly proportionate increase in ladder faculty, while others,
as noted above, are currently too small to meet their teaching demands and
will need to grow by more than 12%. Certain programs, such as writing and foreign
language courses, will require an increase in non-ladder teaching faculty.
Should the colleges be approved by the Corporation, I will, as recommended
by the Report of the Study Group, ask the Provost to work with the deans to
set in motion a detailed review of each department and teaching program within
the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, as well as the professional schools with
teaching responsibilities in Yale College, to ensure that, by the time the
student population is expanded, sufficient faculty are in place to maintain
and strengthen the curriculum.
The Study Group also notes that if traditional approaches to teaching are
not modified, we would need additional teaching fellows to support lecture
and laboratory courses. The Study Group echoes the recommendation of the Committee
on Yale College Education in urging that we create new models for graduate
student teaching that are in the best interest of both graduate student career
development and of undergraduate learning. It is time to get on with this task.
I will ask the Dean of the Graduate School to work with the departments to
develop specific proposals that accomplish this dual objective.
Support Staff
We must be committed to making such additions to the staffing of student services
as necessary to preserve the quality of support. For example, we will need
to assess the staffing requirements of the University Health Services, Undergraduate
Career Services, and the Digital Media Center for the Arts, among many other
organizations that provide academic and administrative support to Yale College
students. It goes without saying that the new colleges would require staffing
and funding at a level commensurate with the existing colleges. I will ask
the Vice President for Finance and Administration to work with the Provost
to ensure that sufficient staff are added to support not only student services,
but the new faculty who are added as well.
The unanticipated popularity of the new Bass Library, which was planned to
accommodate the possible expansion of the student body, makes clear that we
will need to find more study space in the Sterling Memorial Library. As the
Study Group notes, the coming renovation of Seeley G. Mudd Library also may
offer possibilities for enhanced study facilities for undergraduate and graduate
students alike, but the specialized nature of its collections may not make
it as suitable for as many students as Sterling and Bass Libraries. I will
ask the University Librarian to work with the Provost to develop plans to accommodate
an expansion of the undergraduate population.
It is clear that our current classrooms are not utilized efficiently, as the
Study Group notes, but there are initiatives currently under way to spread
the scheduling of classes across the week. Although much remains to be accomplished
in improving and coordinating our classroom scheduling process, I nonetheless
agree with the Study Group’s observation that there will be need for
additional classrooms, and it would be useful to locate them in the vicinity
of the new colleges. Having students from the existing colleges who are not
in science courses come to this precinct on a regular basis would help to mitigate
the perception that the new colleges are remote and isolated. The size and
configuration of new classrooms will warrant careful study by the Provost and
the Classroom Planning Group.
The Arts
In the past decade, we have added five new performance and multipurpose spaces
within the renovated residential colleges, as well as the new Off Broadway
Theater. But the artistic life of undergraduates is so lively that there is
a pressing need for more, especially for space that is specifically designed
for dance, music, and theater. I heartily concur with the Study Group’s
recommendation to create both performance and rehearsal space in the vicinity
of the new colleges. This will animate the area in the evenings. It is clear,
however, that we will still need additional arts space downtown. The need for
additional music practice rooms is being addressed by the pending renovation
of Hendrie Hall, but more space for theatrical productions, rehearsals, costume
making, set construction, and storage is needed in the Chapel Street area,
as is expansion space for the highly successful Digital Media Center for the
Arts. We plan to address all these needs at the same time as investment in
the new colleges proceeds.
The Provost and I strongly support the Study Group’s recommendation
of a new Associate Dean in Yale College for the arts to give leadership to
the development of the formal curriculum in the arts and to support and coordinate
extracurricular endeavors. Such a person could help to fulfill the worthy but
as yet unrealized curricular aspirations cited in the Report of the Committee
on Yale College Education.
Intramural facilities
We will need to study how and where to add outdoor playing fields as recommended
by the Study Group. We will explore whether any possibilities exist in the
vicinity of the new colleges, and, if not, we will consider how we might expand
the capacity of fields in the vicinity of the Yale Bowl.
D. Adding new colleges will provide an opportunity to strengthen the existing
residential college system.
The residential college system is one of the glories of Yale, and it is a
major reason why students choose to come to Yale and a major reason why Yale
College students report greater satisfaction with their education than students
at most peer institutions. Yet, as the Study Group observes, the system is
not perfect. Despite steps taken in recent years, students continue to express
concern that some colleges have more financial resources than others. The Study
Group urges that the college fellowships be strengthened, and that resident
fellows and graduate students play a more active role in college life. I look
forward to working with the Dean of Yale College and our devoted Council of
Masters to address these issues. In particular, I will strongly encourage the
new colleges, as well as those masters of existing colleges who wish to participate,
to increase the opportunities for graduate and professional students to affiliate
with the colleges and serve as mentors and advisers to undergraduates. And
I will work to see that in the future each master ensures that resident fellows
have specific and substantial responsibilities for service that would benefit
the college.
V. Conclusion
I want to close by once again thanking the Study Group for a thoughtful and
comprehensive report. As I have indicated, we will move quickly to tackle the
numerous issues the Study Group identified, many of which need not await the
construction of new colleges.
I am well aware that despite strong support from faculty and alumni, many
students remain concerned that new colleges will inevitably diminish the intimacy
and quality of the Yale College experience. I hope that the many suggestions
of the Study Group, and our enthusiastic response to their recommendations,
will help to address these concerns. By creating two new communities of roughly
400 students, intimacy can be preserved. By responding aggressively to the
issues of adequate staffing, amenities in proximity to the new colleges, transportation,
security, activity space, and support for student activities as outlined by
the Study Group, I believe that the quality of education and extracurricular
life will not only be undiminished but truly strengthened.
Most important, the expansion of our student population will give Yale the
opportunity to deepen and enhance its contribution to society, fulfilling our
vital mission to educate the most promising for leadership and service.
Report of the Study Group to Consider New Residential Colleges
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