 | Judith Resnik
Judith Resnik wins prestigious honor for her ‘outstanding scholarship’ in law
Judith Resnik, the Arthur Liman Professor of Law at Yale Law School, has received
The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation Outstanding Scholar Award, presented
annually to an individual “who has engaged in outstanding scholarship
in the law or in government.”
Resnik will accept her award on Feb. 10 at the Fellows Annual Banquet at Paramount
Studios in Los Angeles.
“Judith Resnik has had a profound impact on the rule of law and administration
of justice in our country,” said Law School Dean Harold Hongju Koh. “Her
perceptive and powerful scholarship makes her a most fitting successor to the
past recipients from our school.”
At the Law School, Resnik teaches about federalism, procedure, constitutional
relationships among branches of the U.S. government, large-scale litigation,
feminism, and local and global interventions to diminish inequalities and subordination.
She is the author of numerous books and essays, and her recent work includes “Representing
Justice: From Renaissance Iconography to Twenty-First Century Courthouses” (with
Dennis E. Curtis), published in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society; “Law’s
Migration: American Exceptionalism, Silent Dialogues and Federalism’s
Multiple Ports of Entry,” published in Yale Law Journal; and “Law
as Affiliation: ‘Foreign’ Law, Democratic Federalism and the Sovereigntism
of the Nation-State,” published in the International Journal of Constitutional
Resnik is the founding director of the Arthur Liman Public Interest Fellowship
and Fund at Yale, which provides postgraduate fellowships annually to several
Law School graduates to do public interest work, as well as summer fellowships
for students at Barnard, Brown, Harvard, Princeton, Spelman and Yale. The Liman
Program also convenes reading groups and holds an annual colloquium at the
Law School to focus on issues of social justice. Resnik is also a co-chair
of The Yale Women Faculty Forum, a University-wide group aimed at fostering
scholarship about gender and community for women at Yale.
A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the American
Philosophical Society, she is also an occasional litigator and has testified
many times before congressional and judicial committees.
Resnik joins a distinguished group of
scholars — including Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Richard Posner and Louis Henkin — who’ve
received the award since it was established in 1957. Previous recipients from
the Yale Law School are Arthur Corbin (1966), James William Moore (1978), Geoffrey
Hazard (1986), Boris Bittker (1987), Guido Calabresi (1998) and Stanton Wheeler
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