Yale Rheumatic Diseases Research Core Center awarded $3.2 million in federal funding
A new research group at Yale School of Medicine that is focusing on rheumatic and immunonological diseases — such
as arthritis and lupus — has received $3.2 million in federal funding.
The five-year grant from the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal
and Skin Diseases will help fund research by 48 investigators working together
as part of The Yale Rheumatic Diseases Research Core Center.
“The center will provide facilities to enhance the productivity of these
laboratories, to facilitate scientific exchange, and to offer access to state-of-the-art
technology and unique resources that would otherwise be unavailable,” says
Dr. Joseph Craft, director of the center, professor of medicine and immunobiology,
and chief of the section of rheumatology.
The facilities include a laser scanning microscopy core to provide imaging
of fluorescently tagged cells in mice and a laboratory to support development,
preservation and distribution of novel mice that aid in the study of rheumatic
and immunological illnesses.
“The center also will support seed grants devoted to the study of rheumatic
and immunological diseases, particularly those developed by junior faculty investigators
and investigators new to these disciplines,” Craft says.
Research projects currently being funded with the seed grants include studies
on the development of lupus and on the initiation and propagation of inflammation
in arthritis and in psoriasis, a skin disease that can lead to arthritis.
The associate director of the center is Dr. Mark Shlomchik, professor of laboratory
medicine and immunobiology. Other researchers in the core center include Dr.
Richard Bucala, professor of medicine and pathology; Elizabeth Eynon, research
scientist in immunobiology; Richard Flavell, chair of immunobiology and a Howard
Hughes Medical Institute investigator; Ann Haberman, associate research scientist
in laboratory medicine; and Mark Mamula, professor of medicine.
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