Symposium will explore relationship of art, humanities and medicine
In a letter to the editor that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical
Association in 2006, Yale gastroenterologist Dr. Howard Spiro wrote: “[T]he
humanities should not be a separate program, or a separate calling, but should
be part of the character of all teachers of medical students and thereby of
their students. A physician should be able to raise questions about an alcoholic
man with a broken spirit as readily as about a retired woman with a broken
A symposium, “Where the Two Cultures Converge: Medicine and Humanities,” honoring
Spiro for his role in promoting that ethos at Yale will be held on Saturday,
April 26, at the Anlyan Center, 300 Cedar St. It is free and open to the public.
To reserve a place, call (203) 785-6102 or send e-mail to deborah.finger@yale.edu.
Now professor emeritus of internal medicine, Spiro founded Yale’s Program
for Humanities in Medicine
25 years ago. The program sponsors an annual lecture series, as well as an
online journal that features fiction, non-fiction and poetry by medical and
nursing students and health care providers. Over the years, the program has
also hosted film series, exhibitions and other events exploring the links between
the arts and humanities and the practice of medicine.
The symposium in Spiro’s honor will open at 8:30 a.m. with remarks by
Dr. Thomas P. Duffy, current director of the Program for Humanities in Medicine.
Talks throughout the day will explore many themes relating to creativity and
medicine. The morning talks will be: “The View from the Other Side: What
Can Film Tell Us About Our Patients?” by Dr. Gretchen Berland, filmmaker
and assistant professor of medicine at Yale; “A Personal Odyssey Through
Medicine and Literature” by best-selling author Dr. Richard Selzer; “Paintings & Patients” by
Dr. Irwin Braverman, professor of medicine at Yale; “Memories, Tales
and Histories of Biomedicine” by Bruno Strasser, assistant professor
in history of science and medicine at Yale; and “A Medical Student’s
Perspective on the Humanities in Medicine” by Justin Chen, now in his
third year at Yale medical school.
The afternoon program will include the following talks: “Why an Art Collection
in a Medical School?” by Susan Wheeler, curator of prints and drawings
at Yale’s Cushing/Whitney Medical Library; “Poetry, Empathy and
Reflective Practice” by Dr. Jack Coulehan, poet, writer, professor emeritus
at Stony Brook University, and senior fellow at the Center for Medical Humanities
and Bioethics; “The Art of Translating the Art of Medicine” by
Dr. Richard M. Ratzan, emergency physician at Hartford Hospital; and “Reflections
on Portraits of an Illness” by Duffy.
A book titled “Medical Humanism: Aphorisms from the Bedside Teachings & Writings
of Howard M. Spiro, M.D.” will also be published in conjunction with
the symposium.
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