 | Dr. James Perlotto
Perlotto to head both student and athletic medicine at YUHS
Dr. James Perlotto, who has served for 20 years on the medical staff of the
Yale University Health Services (YUHS), has assumed the new position of chief
of the Departments of Student Medicine and Athletic Medicine.
The joining of clinical leadership for Student Medicine and Athletic Medicine
will permit a high level of coordination and efficiency in the care of Yale
students, notes Dr. Paul Genecin, director of YUHS.
Perlotto has been the chief of student medicine since 2000. During the current
academic year, he has served as acting chief of athletic medicine. He has,
since he originally came to YUHS, been active as a clinician in athletic medicine
and can frequently be found at varsity athletic events providing on-site medical
care to student athletes, notes Genecin, adding that Perlotto has upheld the
high standards of clinical care and service that were set by Dr. Barry Goldberg,
former chief of athletic medicine who passed away in the fall of 2007.
“Dr. Perlotto’s strong commitment to excellence in clinical care,
his dedication to the well-being of Yale students and his pride in the accomplishments
of Yale College Varsity Athletics will ensure tremendous success in this expanded
leadership role,” said Genecin.
YUHS plans to continue the model of team care that has been developed during
this year with the active involvement of Molly Meyer, assistant clinical professor
of nursing and nurse practitioner; John Dailinger, lecturer and physician associate
in orthopedics; and Michel Gusmano, registered nurse at YUHS. Plans also call
for the addition of another sports medicine clinician. Melanie McCloskey, nurse
manager of surgical specialties and sports medicine, and Stephanie Muzyka,
senior administrative assistant, will continue
to provide administrative leadership and support for athletic medicine.
Perlotto did his undergraduate work at Yale, graduating magna cum laude in
1978, and received his medical degree from Boston University School of Medicine
in 1982. He has received numerous awards and honors including the Connecticut
Academy of Family Physicians “Super Hero” of Family Medicine Award
(one of 10 outstanding family practitioners selected over a 50-year period),
and the Humanism in Medicine Award presented by Yale School of Medicine. He
was selected as one of Connecticut Magazine’s “Top Doctors” in
2006 and is a longstanding member of the admissions committee for Yale School
of Medicine.
Perlotto is also an associate clinical professor of medicine and a fellow of
Trumbull College.
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