School of Management joins consortium that promotes diversity in business world
Yale School of Management (SOM) has joined the Consortium for Graduate Study
in Management, a national not-for-profit organization devoted to promoting
diversity and inclusion in American business.
The consortium’s mission is working to reduce the underrepresentation
of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in both its member
schools’ enrollment and the ranks of management. It actively recruits
students from these groups and awards over $11 million in full-tuition, merit
based M.B.A. fellowships annually.
“Partnering with the consortium is a logical step in demonstrating an essential
aspect of our own institutional mission of educating leaders for business and
society,” said SOM Dean Joel M. Podolny. “By linking our mission
with that of the consortium, both of our institutions are stronger. In addition,
we look forward to working with our colleagues at the other member schools to
create ever-expanding opportunities for consortium scholars.”
Peter J. Aranda III, executive director and chief executive officer of the
consortium, said: “Including Yale School of Management among our member
schools enhances our goal of providing opportunities for deserving students
to attend top-ranked educational institutions. Having consortium students at
Yale School of Management broadens our reach and strengthens our mission to
promote diversity in American business schools and corporations.”
The consortium will begin recruiting prospective M.B.A. students for Yale School
of Management in the fall of 2008, with the first class graduating in the spring
of 2011.
Other members of the consortium include Carnegie Mellon University, Dartmouth
College, Emory University, Indiana University, The University of Michigan,
New York University, The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, The University
of Rochester, The University of Southern California, The University of Texas-Austin,
The University of Virginia, Washington University in St. Louis and The University
of Wisconsin–Madison.
The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management has been instrumental in assisting
more than 5,500 underrepresented minority students earn their MBAs and advance
their careers in corporate America. For more information, visit www.cgsm.org
or call (888) 658-6814.
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