 | Cleanth Brooks
Tribute to Cleanth Brooks examines
the topic ‘What is Close Reading?’
The Department of English and the Whitney Humanities Center will pay tribute
to an influential literary critic and late Yale professor at a conference titled “What
is Close Reading? A Symposium on Cleanth Brooks and the New Criticism” on
Saturday, Sept. 29.
The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place 2:30-6 p.m. in the Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall St.
The conference will include papers by Paul Fry, the William Lampson Professor
of English at Yale; J. Hillis Miller, Distinguished Research Professor of English
and Comparative Literature at the University of California-Irvine; and Helen
Vendler, the A. Kingsley Porter University Professor of English at Harvard
University. In addition there will be a roundtable discussion with the speakers
and Yale faculty members David Bromwich, Sterling Professor of English,
and Haun Saussy, professor of comparative literature.
Brooks joined Yale’s English department in 1947 and was later named the
Gray Professor of Rhetoric; he taught here until 1975. Brooks was — along
with Robert Penn Warren and other members of the department — a leading
exponent of the New Criticism, which emphasized the close reading of texts,
rather than a reliance on outside sources. Brooks’ many works of literary
criticism include “The Well Wrought Urn” and “Modern Poetry
and the Tradition,” as well as works on William Faulkner and Southern
literature. In collaboration with Warren, he published the influential textbook “Understanding
Poetry.” Brooks died in 1994.
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