A year-long series of lunchtime talks, ,titled “Perspectives on Medicine,” will
kick off on Thursday, Sept. 27, with a presentation by Richard Silverman, the
director of admissions at the Yale School of Medicine, on “The Past Year
in Admissions.”
Future topics in the series, which is presented by the Medical Student Council,
include new cancer research, living with dying, the state of the school, student-run
clinics, partnerships in international health, student well-being and medical
All talks are held at 1 p.m. in the Beaumont Room of Sterling Hall of Medicine,
333 Cedar St. They are open to medical school students, faculty and staff and
other members of the Yale community.
The series schedule follows:
Oct. 18 — “Fostering Translational Research in the Yale Cancer
Center,” Dr. Richard Edelson, director of Yale Cancer Center, professor
and chair of dermatology; “New Developments in Cancer Drugs,” Dr.
Edward Chu, professor of medicine (medical oncology) and pharmacology; and “Defining
the Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer To Improve Treatment,” Dr. Lyndsay
Harris, associate professor of medicine (medical oncology).
Nov. 29 — “HAVEN Free Clinic: Student-Run Primary Care for the
Uninsured,” Dr. Nancy R. Angoff, associate dean for student affairs and
associate professor of medicine; and medical school students Emma Barber, Sara
Whetstone and Ryan Schwarz.
Jan. 17 — “To Heal, To Teach and To Build: The Yale Experience
with Partnership Models in International Health,” Dr. Majid Sadigh, associate
professor of medicine (general medicine).
Feb. 14 — “Living with Dying,” Ann Ameling, professor emeritus
of psychiatric nursing, Yale School of Nursing.
March 6 — “The State of the School,” Dr. Robert J. Alpern,
dean of the Yale School of Medicine and the Ensign Professor of Medicine.
April 17 — “Committee for the Well-Being of Students,” medical
school students Jessica Crawford and Hiromi Yoshida.
May 15 — “Medical Education at Yale: Strategic Planning, the
Impact of LCME, and a Look Toward the Future,” Dr. Richard Belitsky,
deputy dean for education, the Harold W. Jockers Associate Professor of Medical
Education, and associate professor of psychiatry.
For more information, contact Dr. Laura Ment, faculty adviser to the Medical
Student Council, at laura.ment@yale.edu; or series coordinator Claire Bessinger at claire.bessinger@yale.edu or (203) 785-5824.
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