 | Kemal Dervis
Workshops to explore global issues related to economic growth and development
This week, the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization is hosting two
workshops exploring the most pressing challenges to growth and development
in the world today.
The workshops, which began on Sept. 26 and run for four days, are part of the
work of the Commission on Growth and Development, formed at the request of the
president of the World Bank. Ernesto Zedillo, director of the Yale center, is
a member of the commission and will serve as host of the workshops. All workshop
sessions will be chaired by Nobel laureate Michael Spence of Stanford University,
who serves as the chair of the commission.
The first workshop on equity and growth will include, among others, Trevor Manuel,
the minister of finance for South Africa; Montek Ahluwalia, deputy chair of the
Planning Commission for India; Mahmoud Mohieldin, the minister of investment
for Egypt; Abhijit Banerjee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Roland
Benabou of Princeton University; Samuel Bowles of the Santa Fe Institute; and
Yale faculty T.N. Srinivasan, Mark Rosenzweig and Christopher Udry. Participants
will discuss growth, globalization and distribution; globalization and inequality;
the nature of wealth; international migration; and gender inequality.
The second workshop will focus on global trends and challenges, including the
role of international financial institutions; global imbalances; climate change;
and the forces influencing globalization. Participants will include Anthony Venables
of Oxford; Raghuram Rajan of the University of Chicago, formerly the director
of research at the International Monetary Fund; Kemal Dervis, the administrator
of the United Nations Development Program; Richard Cooper of Harvard University;
and Yale faculty William Nordhaus, Robert Mendelsohn, Robert Shiller and Eduardo
The Commission on Growth and Development is taking stock of the current state
of knowledge and understanding of economic growth, reviewing the salient features
of successful growth experiences, identifying new and developing trends that
are relevant to future growth strategies, and assessing the most effective strategies
for developing countries, for the coming 10 years and beyond, in light of the
economic uncertainties that affect the international environment. The commission
will release its report in early 2008, which is expected to shed light on the
long-run forces underlying growth experiences, and highlight the actions — at
the national and international level — most likely to improve developing
countries’ growth prospects.
The members of the commission are independent from the World Bank and all are
distinguished practitioners from government, business and policy making. They
include, among others, the governor of the People’s Bank of China; the
prime minister of Peru; the former chief executive officer of British Petroleum;
ministers of finance for Korea, South Africa and Nigeria; and the minister of
foreign affairs of Chile.
The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization works to connect the University
with the world of public policy. The center’s research and other activities
are particularly focused on practical policies to enable the world’s poorest
and weakest citizens to share in the benefits brought by globalization.
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