Yale Bulletin and Calendar

October 26, 2007|Volume 36, Number 8















From the United Way:
‘A Tale of Building Self-Esteem’

Through its Economically Vibrant Communities priority area, United Way invests in programs that help people secure safe and affordable housing, acquire skills and training to maintain employment, and be successful, contributing citizens.

The following story from the Emergency Shelter Management Services (ESMS) Job Development program demonstrates the value of the United Way investment in helping people become independent and productive members of our community.


Donald (name changed) is a 37-year-old African-American male from New Haven. He first entered the Emergency Shelter three years ago after losing his job. He had very little employment experience but had worked in a few local restaurants in the kitchen. He was at each job for no more than three months at a time, each time leaving over a wage or supervision dispute — and then jumping to the next job. After spending three years at the shelter, his self esteem was at an all-time low.

He made several appointments with the ESMS job developer only to miss them. The job developer made an extra effort to reach out to him, and with that encouragement, Donald took a job search field trip to the Boston Post Road in Orange. He worked with the job developer to complete several applications including online computerized applications, something with which Donald had had little experience. By the end of the day, Donald had completed six applications.

He received an immediate call back from Wendy’s, which was opening a new store and was very interested in hiring experienced personnel. ESMS provided clothing and transportation to the interview, and Donald was hired on the spot. He started work that week and, to date, has enjoyed three months of steady employment. When his hours were recently reduced, Donald again called upon the job developer to help him talk with his supervisor about increasing his hours. Donald also had the opportunity to see his name on the Wendy’s “Wall of Fame” for outstanding employees. He is working with his case manager and saving money for his new apartment.

Since achieving his short-term goals, Donald is now focused on finding employment with long-term advancement opportunities, and will be interviewing at other businesses in the upcoming weeks.


Each year Yale faculty and staff give generously to United Way through the annual campaign which runs through December 2007. This contribution is invested in Greater New Haven programs such as the Emergency Shelter Management Services.

Your contribution to the Yale-United Way campaign can help make a positive change in the Greater New Haven community. To make a pledge, visit the website at www.yale.edu/unitedway.

2006-2007 Yale United Way Donors

With your help last year, we exceeded our goal of $1 million

Your Investment in Our Community Matters!


Richard Abrams
Denise Acampora
Harry Baker Adams *
Julia Adams
Rolena Adorno
George Kevork Aghajanian *
Jay Ague
Michelle Ahmad
Woo-kyoung Ahn
Shamsuddin Akhtar
Mary S. Albee
Bruce D. Alexander *
Jeffrey Alexander
Nancy Alexander
Vladimir E. Alexandrov
Sandra Alfano
Sharyn Lee Allen
Debra K. Alling
Heather G Allore
Ala A. Alryyes
Georgette D. Alston
Sidney Altman
Barbara A Amendola
Carmine Amento
Elizabeth J Anderson
Karen S. Anderson
Marguerite L. Anderson
Mary H. Anderson
Michael Anderson
Warren Alan Andiman
Dudley Andrew *
Donald W. K. Andrews *
Norma W. Andrews
Lynn C. Andrewsen
Mary Patricia Angelotti
Shimon C. Anisfeld
Joanne S Annunziato
Richard and Mary Antaya *
Erin N. Appleman
Steven R Arakawa
Rachel and Tom Ardito *
Deborah A. Armitage
Mary Arnstein *
Mark Aronson
Peter Aronson and Marie Landry *
Jean H. Arthur
Marian Ash
Philip William Askenase
Carrie Mae Atkins
Harold W. Attridge *
Kathleen M. Ayers
Eleanor C. Babbitt
Shawn Bachan
Lesley K. Baier
Monte Bailey
William H. Bailey
Joan M Bailie
David Jeffrey Baker
Dorie Brodie Baker
Allen Everett Bale
Alexander C. Banker
Edita Baradi
Madelon Baranoski
Paul G. Barash
Christine R. Barber
Russell C. Barbour
Caitlin Barker
Agnes E. Barlow
Howard B. Barnaby
Peggy A. Barnes
Gail A. Barnett
Rachel E. Barnett
Elizabeth G. Barrnett
Michele Barry
Roberta K. Bartek
Paul H. Bartlett
Kathleen A. Bartolotta
Ranjit Basak
Esther Bashi
Esther L. Bauman
Kathedral Bayl
Richard Beals *
Douglas Edward Bebbington
Edwin Ernest Bebyn
Meaghan Cahill Becker
Thomas A. Beckett *
Christopher A. Beeley
Arthur R. Belanger
Patience A. W. Benassi
Raymond L. Bendici
Thomas Benincas
Charles Lane Bennett
Joanne Caruso Bentley
Leah S. Berliner
Steven T. Berry *
Timothy Bertaccini *
Jasmina Besirevic Regan
Marcia Fay Bickoff
Murray J. K. Biggs
Henry Joseph Binder
Tanya S. Birmingham
Elizabeth Bishop
Nathan L. Bixby
Bonnie L. Blake
Kristin M. Blanchfield
Robert L. Blocker
Paul Bloom
John M. Blum
Richard Earl Boardman
Susanne Bobzien
Tobias Florian Boes
John H. Bollier *
Samuel Ephraim Book
Curtis Boomer
Carmen Jane Booth
Anthony Borelli
Margaret M. Borelli
Joyce E. Boresen
Marie Borroff *
Kenneth J. Borst
Richard F. Boursy
April Bowe
Katie Bowman
Marie-Dominique Boyce
Jaclyne W. Boyden
Elizabeth Howe Bradley
Susan Brady
William C. Brainard
Lisa Catherine Brandes *
Rebecca L. Brandriff
Alexandra Braren
Irwin Merton Braverman
Claire N. Brennan
Jeffrey Brenzel *
Ursula Constant Brewster
Grace Bright
James A. Brink
Leslie Brisman
Arthur Eastwood Broadus
Deborah L. Broadwater
Shirley Brockington
Norman Brody
Theodore R. Bromund
Heidi Brooks
Joanne D. Brooks
Erica C. Brossard
Paul B. Brouard
Donald J. Brown *
Frank Brown
Josiah Brown
Stephen Marvin Brown
Kathleen Brown-Dorato
Kelley Brown-Gallant
Diana D. Brownell
Kelly D. Brownell
Gary W. Brudvig
Bjoern Bruegemann
Carol M. Bruneau
David Brzozowski
Richard Bucala
Josephine A. Buchanan
Vibha J. Buckingham
Katherine Ann Buckman
Irina Buhimschi
Philip J. Bujalski
James A. Bundy
Benjamin S. Bunney
Pamela A. Buonocore
Susan Daria Burhans
Elizabeth Lee Burnell
Deanna Burns
Melissa A. Busovsky-McNeal
Joanne A. Butcher
Jon Butler *
Sharon R. Butler
Kelly Moffett Byron
Donna M. Cable
Marian T. Caciopoli
Mary Rose Cahill
Walter Benedict Cahn
Yiqiang Cai
Gail Ann Cameron
Barbara A. Campbell
Christine L. Capozziello
Samuel Carbone
Liza D. Cariaga-Lo
Janice Carlisle *
Jodi Ann Carlson
Bruce F. Carmichael
Susan L. Carney
Brenda Carr
Lori Carria
Brian Carter
Brie M. Carter
Daniel Carter
Lilly B. Carter
John M. Casarella
Susan Castaldi
Susan I-Chen Chan
Kang-I Sun Chang
Richard Kounai Chang *
Elsie B. Chapman
Margaret Virginia Chapman
Nicole M. Chardiet
James Charles
James P. Charton
Jeanette E. Chavira
Ricardo Chavira
Xuesong Chen
Elaine H. Cheng *
Yung-Chi Cheng *
Jean Cherniavsky
Barbara N Chesler
Tian Huai Chi
Linda B. Chiaraluce
Helen Chillman
Laura J. Chilton
Seungja Kim Choi
Young Choi
Marvin Myungwoo Chun
Deborah S. Chung
James H. Chung
Joseph P. Cinquino
Carolyn V. Claflin
Elias Clark
Katerina Clark *
Paula P. Clark
Stephen L. Clark
Gregg Steven Clarke
Desmond George Claxton
Paul David Cleary
Constance Clement
Pamela Freund Clifford
Gary W. Cline
John T. Clomon
Jonathan E. Clune
Christina H. Coffin *
Jo E. Cohen
Julie Cohen
Richard L. Cohn
William H. Colehower
Benita Coleman
Pamela Colesworthy
Adela Yarbro Collins
Cora Agnes Collins
Elizabeth Marshall Collins
John J. Collins
Dolores Colon
Robert Colonna
Susan R. Compton *
Harold C. Conklin
Janet Conroy
Thomas P. Conroy
Sheila S. Cook
Diana L. Cooke
Edward S. Cooke
Leo Mathias Cooney *
Elaine D. Cooper
Helen Achbar Cooper
Elizabeth A. Costa
Anthony Costanzo
Greg A. Cottle
Lynne C. Couse
Shawn Edwin Cowper *
Joseph Edgar Craft
Martha L. Crawford
Craig M. Crews
Susan I. Crisafi
William L. Crocker
Donald M. Crothers *
Angela A. Crowley
Gwyneth Crowley
Mark Richard Cullen
Maureen F. Cunningham
Nicole M. Cusano
Maryann F D’Albero
Patricia D’Errico
Lisa Joan Dabkowski
Armand Daccache
Margit A. Dahl
Robert A. Dahl
John Dailinger
Radley H. Daly
Dennis M. Danaher
Carmela A. Dandio
Larry D. Daniels
Arthur T. Davis
Betty Davis
Kimberly Anne Davis
Richard Robert Davis
Christie Day
Drew S. Days *
Anthony C. De Camillo
Leticia Santos De Dios
Gerald Dean
Mollie Dease
Patricia A. DeChiara
Linda C. Degutis
Donna DelBasso
Serena DelBasso
Cynthia C. DeLeone
Keith R. Della Rocco
W. Bruce DelMonico
George Joseph DeMarco
Deborah A. DeMartino
Douglas G. Denes
Joseph D. DePonte
Marianne Dess-Santoro
Vincent T. DeVita *
Ravi Dhar *
Daniel C. DiMaio
Catherine A. Dinauer
Dolores DiNuzzo
Alison Ruth Doernberg
Mark Roland Dollhopf
Eileen B. Donahue *
John E. Donatich *
Michael John Donoghue
John M. Donohue *
Amity Appell Doolittle
Julie Dorsey
Cheryl Doss
Karen Jean Dougherty
Michael R. Dove
Julia A. Downs
Marilyn F. Drees
Meredith M. Drozd
Eileen C. Dubois
Leah Brown Dudley
Joan R. Duffy
Thomas Patrick Duffy
Steven B. Duke *
Catharine H. Duman *
Eleanor Dunham
Susan Dunigan
Louis Dupre
Edwin M. Duval *
Kristin K. Dwyer
Frances Ann Dykstra
Arthur Ebbert
Jean A. Edmunds
Jane Edwards
Andrew J. Ehrgood
Emily J. Eisenlohr
Howard el-Yasin
Melanie S Elliot
Judith Ann Ellis
Matthew S. Ellman
Sarah S. Elman
Janet Rettig Emanuel
J. Joseph Errington
J. Patricio Escandon
Samuel E. Eskridge
Colleen A Esposito
Julia Esposito
Americo E. Esquibies
Daniel C. Esty *
Darlene K Evans
Janine Evans
Eva Ewing
Anne Fadiman
Ray C. Fair *
Eleanor W. Faller
John W. Faller
Kyle P. Farley
Margaret Ann Farley
George S. Fayen
Laurie Feldman
Ada M. Fenick
Kristopher Paul Fennie
Iban Fernandez Pelaez
Anthony F Ferrandino
Michael Ferrucci
Diane Fidler
Lauralee Jeffrey Field
Sylvia Ann Fields
Donald L. Filer
Sue Finn
Michael J. Fischer
Julie G. FitzGerald
Paul A. Fleury
Hugh Flick
Kenneth E. Fong
Joanne M. Foody
Timothy J. Ford
Tracy D. Ford
Bernard G. Forget *
Edith D. Fortes
Elizabeth Foster
Melissa Gold Fournier
John E. Fox
Stephen Francis
Dorothy N. Franco
Nancy E. Franco
Roberta Frank
Peter Frankl
Belinda N. Franklin
Arnold W. Freed
Paul H. Freedman *
Ann J. Freeman
Joanne B. Freeman
David Freyle
Rebecca J. Friedkin
Gary Elliott Friedlaender
Susan A. Froetschel
Kathleen J. Frost
Paul Harrison Fry
Dale L. Fuller
Edmund F. Funai
Anthony E. Fusco
John Lewis Gaddis
Karen Gagnon
Dolores M. Gall
Adrienne C. Gallagher
Patrick J. Gallagher
Arthur William Galston
Eleanor Galushko
Shaily A Gambardella
John C. Gambell
Joyce Janutia Gamble
Bradley H. Gano
Judith R. Gargiulo
Lambsdell Emanuel Garnett
Nina Garrett *
Bryan Garsten
Stanley J. Garstka *
Joseph M. Gaudio
Gordon T. Geballe *
Daniel I. Geisser
Tamar Gendler *
Paul Genecin *
Myron Genel
Eugenie I. Gentry
Mark Gentry
Francine E. Georges
Peter Gershkovich
Krista M. Giancarlo
Matthew C. Giancarlo
Michael A. Giaquinto
Creighton E. Gilbert *
Thomas Michael Gill
Florence Gillich
Denise F. Gilmore
David A. Gingerella *
Adam Brett Ginsberg
Nina M. Glickson *
Earl John Glusac *
Christianne G. Gobrecht
Elizabeth C. Godcher
N’Gai J. Godfrey
Carole T. Goldberg
John Richard Goldin *
Mary Helen M. Goldsmith
Jonathan M. Goldstein
Edward C. Goodwin *
Kelly K. Goodyear
Stephen Goot
Michael J. Goulet
Thomas E. Graedel *
Susan Elaine Grajek
Julie R. Grant *
Craig Green
Georgia Green
Dana L. Greene
Jeanette Greene
Liliane Greene
Nannie P. Greenlee
John Greenwald *
Ramona E. Gregg
Margaret Grey *
Maureen O. Grieco
Brigitte Pierrette Griffith
Nigel D. F. Grindley *
Kathleen F. Gritzbach
Cary P. Gross
Baiba J. Grube *
Douglas J. Guarnieri
Marsha Kathleen Guess
John F. Guidone
Barbara Irene Gulanski
Seth M. Guller
Jacqueline Denise Gulley
Judith Gundry-Volf
Danielle Gunther-Gawlak
Werner Kurt Gurr
Alfred E. Guy
Adele Grimaldi Haas
Barbara J. Haberman
Judith Dozier Hackman *
E. Janet Hager
Carol S. Hahn
Linda P. Haigh
Philip A. Haile and Shannon Callaway*
Thomas Michael Halaszynski
Gary Lee Haller *
Claire Halloran
Andrew D. Hamilton *
Sulena Hamilton
Jessica R. Hammatt
Vanya Hamrin
Ling Han
Sandra M Hanrahan
John E. Hare
Karsten Harries *
Bruce Harris
Jack Harris
Karen S. Harris
Robert Harrison
Andrea C. Hart
Carl Hashimoto
Hatim Ali Hassan
Paul F Hawkshaw
Douglas D. Hawthorne
James W. Hawthorne
Christine Hayes
Eugenia and Paul Hayes *
Lourdes O’Neil Haynes
Terri L. Haynes
Daniel H. Heaton
Shirley Heery
Andreas Martin Heinz
Michael Helfenbein
Caroline Grace Hendel *
Simona Herdan
Robert J. Herr
Erica Lyndrup Herzog
Lee E. Heston
Robert Alexander Hetherington
Loriann S. K. Higashi
John Michael Higgins
Martha Catherine Highsmith
James Hill
William Hinners
Eric Hoag
Ian A. Hobbs
Lindsay Phelps Hobbs
Mark W. Hochstrasser
Gloria A. Hoda
Gayle Hoffman
Cynthia Holland-Toftness
Jonathan Holloway
Dennis Hong
Katara Chanique Hoover
Ellen P. Hope-Ross
William C. Horne
Tamas Horvath
Margaret K Hostetter *
John G. Howe
Emilia Hramov
Se-Te Joseph Huang
Tracy Chiao Huang
Yingqun Huang
Stephanie Hubbard
Gregory Alain Huber
Lisabeth A. Huck
Paul Hudak *
Kenneth Dean Hudson
Stephanie Hudson
Stephen Mason Hudspeth
Ernst D. Huff
Jessie E. Hunnicutt
Mary Murphy Hunt
Scott R. Hunter
Van-Yen Huynh
Anna Iacovella
Lisa M. Iacovo
Margaret Jean Ianniello
Jeannette R. Ickovics
Joanne DeSanto Iennaco
Jessica L. Illuzzi
Karl L. Insogna
Kimiko Ishiguro
Bahman Jabbari
Howard E. Jack
Edward W. Jackson
Mary Jackson
Thomas Jackson
Patricia Jackson Allen
Richard J. Jacob
Carol F. Jacobs *
Deborah J Jagielow
Roszita James
Kathryn Rae Stoddard Jannke
Peter I. Jatlow
Vanessa L. Jefferson
Linda C. Jerolmon
Marcia Johnson*
Wayne H. Johnson *
Elizabeth A. Jonas
Carol L. Jones
Kenneth Jones
Kim E. Jones
L. Serene Jones
Pamela C. Jordan
William L. Jorgensen
Deepu George Joseph
Gilbert Michael Joseph
Catherine M. Joyce *
Nancy C. Judd
Jennifer L. Julier
Scott Jungeblut
Daniel C. Junior
Susan Kaech
William Kaminsky
Fred Stuart Kantor
Jean E. Kanyo
Cyrus Roos Kapadia *
Diane E. Kaplan *
Eta P. Kaplan
Marcia S. Kaplan
Anil K. Karihaloo
Michael Kashgarian
Joan Marilyn Katko
Nicole A. Katulak
Marian R. Katz
S. Blair Kauffman
Thomas Kavanagh
Paula B. Kavathas *
Barbara Irene Kazmierczak
Anne R. Kelley *
Margaret E. Kelley
Debbie Kelly
Susan C. Kelly
David H. Kelsey
Jeffrey D. P. Kenney
Nathaniel Owen Keohane
Nevin E. Kessler
Daniel and Bettyann Kevles *
Richard Glenn Kibbey
Judith R. Kidd
Chris Kielt
E. Leon Kier
Laurence Kilburn
Tae Hoon Kim
Young Ja Kim
Julia Kim-Cohen
Cathleen M. King
Robert A. King
Shauna King *
Elisabeth Hoberman Kinsley
Robert H. Kirkpatrick
Yuichi Kitamura *
Helaine S. Klasky *
Martin Klein
Robert C. Klein
Sigrid A. Klein
Susan Klein
Alvin K. Klevorick *
Harvey J. Kliman
Martin S Kluger
Joan S. Kneeland
Joann M. Knudson
Rita K. Kolb
Eileen M. Kopjanski
Kevin M. Kopp
Jonathan Gideon Koppell
George J. Kostelis
William D. Kraszewski
Denise M. Krause
Michael Oliver Krauthammer
Roman Kuc
Li-yun A. Kung
Viji Jayakumar Kurup
Samual D. Kushlan
Barbara Kuslan
Mary C. LaFogg *
Richard Lalli
Mandy Lam
Wing Lam
Eva M. Lamothe
Marie-Louise Landry
Fabian Lange
Richard Bondo Larson *
Kathrin Lassila
Gregg A. Lauer
Penelope Laurans-Fitzgerald *
Elaine T. LaVelle
Karen A. Lavery
Meaghan E. Lavery
Erin Lavik
Jack Philip Lawson
Rossitza Lazova
Rhoda E Lea
Agnes J. Leary
Steven B. Leder
Forrester Ashe Lee *
Mary Brett Lee *
Men-Jean Lee
David J. Leffell *
Peter J. LeMay
Lisa LeMontangue
Peter Lengyel
Suzanna Lengyel
Linda Susan Leo-Summers
Ann M. Leone
Philip Leone
Aaron Bunsen Lerner ***
Colynda A. LeSieur
Kristen J. Leslie
Richard A. Lethin
John Mishel Leventhal *
George Gilbert Levesque
Richard C. Levin *
Robert John Levine
Pericles Lewis and Sheila N. Hayre *
Linghuai Li
Matvei Libine
Judith Hilevi Lichtman
Colleen Lim
Janet E. Lindner *
Jennith L. Liner
Juan J. Linz *
Hector Garcia Lizcano
Jeffrey Hawley Locke
Kristi Lockhart
Charles J. Lockwood
Nancy Lockwood
Loraine H. Lombard
Charles Howard Long *
Matthew J. Long
Philip Long *
Jose Bernardo Lora
Linda Koch Lorimer *
Ariane de la Belleissue Lourie
Angeliki Louvi
Lucy Amerman Lucker
Laura Lucky
Yve Stacy Ludwig
Elinor Lutch
Sandra J. Lynch
Nancy F. Lyon *
Carol Lyons
Bernard Lytton *
Tony Ma
Tso-Ping Ma *
Jean M. Maatta
Detra J. MacDougall
Jonathan and Amy Macey *
Carolyn M. Macica
May K. Macnab
James D. Macy *
Michael Madera
Judith K. Madeux
Martin Lawrence Mador
Rex Leroy Mahnensmith
George Mailath *
Judith Malamut
Stephen Evan Malawista
Mark P. Malkin
Jane E. Mallory
Charles M. Malone
Mary Jane Malone
Lisa M. Maloney
Lara P. Maltby
Lawrence Gordon Manley *
James M. Mann *
Inna Maranets *
Vincent T. Marchesi
Millicent Marcus
Gregory A. Margulis
Ethan P. Marin
Nikolay Vladimirov Marinov
Mary-Jo Mark
Stefanie Ruth Markovits *
Mindy A. Marks
Peter Marks
Theodore Richard Marmor
Katherine E. Marschall
Alice Marsh
Tara E. Marshall
Michael Thomas Marsland
Anne Martin
Hyacinth Ellen Martin
Frederick M. Martz
Jerry Louis Mashaw and Anne MacClintock *
William R. Massa *
Thomas G. Masse
Andre O. Massiah
Alisa M. Masterson
Patricia Mastrianni
Susan B. Matheson and Jerome J. Pollitt *
Mary Brigante Mathis
Lawrence Joseph Matthews
Edward Dominic Maturo
John E. Maturo *
Lewis S. Matzkin
Cyril J May
Karl Ulrich Mayer
John A. Mayes
John Raymond McArdle
Gail J. McAvay
Gregory McCarthy
Paul L. McCarthy
John Hugh McClaskey
Ruth McCorkle
Barry John McCrea
Patrick McCreless
Christopher Wayne McDaniel
Drew V. McDermott
Susan McDonald
Thomas H. McGlashan
Joanne M. McGloin
Teresa Patricia McGloin
Jacquelyn McGrath
James Michael McGrath
Deborah H. McGraw *
Claire V. McGuire
Elena M. McHugh
Kristin R. McJunkins
Patrick J. McKenna *
Katherine Crews McKenzie
Jacqueline T. McKim
Karen McLaughlin-Curcio
Jacqueline McLaurin
Walter J. McMurray
Jennifer Madison McNiff *
Peter McPhedran
Grant D. Meachum
Mikki Meadows-Oliver
Michael J. Medvecky
Mary Keefe Meehan
John R. Meeske *
Anthony Melillo
Duane E. Mellor
Linda R. Memmott
Teresa Mensz
Sue Ann Mentone
Donita Marie Mercer
Claudia R. Merson
Harry W. Meusel
Martin W. Meyer
Molly Meyer
Joanne Jay Meyerowitz
Amy Meyers
Qing Miao
Christopher Mihok
Elia Hanna Mikhail
Leonora Milkiewicz
Beth E. Miller
Christopher L. Miller *
I. George Miller
Kenneth R. Miller
Mary E. Miller *
Perry L. Miller
Scott J. Miller
William H. Miller
Eric Steven Millman
Robert M. Milstein
Leonard M. Milstone
Edward P. Mockus
Kevin T. Moffett
Sheila Lynn Molony
Susan E. Mommsen
Susan Monsen *
Michele O. Montana
Antonia Monteiro
Lisa Montgomery
Darlene M. Moore
Jeanne Marie Moore
Martin P. Moore
Patricia I. Morales De Tirado
Michael J. Morand *
Meghan Morean
John H. Morgan
Robert P. Morgan *
Diane K. Morrissey
Jon Stanley Morrow
A. Stephen Morse
R. Lawrence Moss
Susan S Moss
Ling Mu
Mary Elizabeth Muller
Gary J. Mulligan
Sheila Murchison
Joan S. Murphy
Kerry S. Murphy
Stephen and Victoria Murphy *
Janice E Murphy-Wallace
Vijayshree Murty
David F. Musto
Annette Myers
Janett B. Nabors
Brenda Lee Naegel *
Armand Negri
Anna F. Nelayev
Alondra Nelson
Donna C. Nemeth
Lewis Nescott
Cynthia Nethercut
Nelson N. Nettleton
Crystal S. Neuhauser
Sherril D. Nieman
Anthony J. Niesz
Laura E. Niklason *
Jennifer Nolte
Gaylord Brewster Noyce
Mary E. Numa
Nikki Machelle O’Callaghan
Peter C. O’Connell
Noelle King O’Connor
Theresa Z. O’Connor
Barbara J. O’Donnell
Henry Joseph O’Neill
Patrice O’Neill
Linda M. Ochman
Jennie A. Oddy
Judy French Offutt
Sadako Ohki
Elsa Y. Ojeda
Lauretta A. Olivi
Laurie H. Ongley
Nick Onnembo
Martha Oppel
Louise C. Ortoleva
Cynthia Ostroff
Tom Ouimet
Nancy M. Ovedovitz
Carmen Pagan
Justin C. Paglino
Clemence O. Palcso
Diane A. Palmeri *
Susan P. Pannella
Donna Parke
Catherine H. Parker
Elizabeth Parkhurst
Linda F. Pascale
Sheila W. Pastor
Amanda Patrick
Michael Stephen Patten
Lee Patterson
Charles Robert Paul
Howard Allen Pearson
Michael K. Pearson
Aldo Jose Peixoto
Joshua William Peklo
Linda Honan Pellico
Hong Peng
Tiffany Pleshette Penn
Mark Anthony Perazella
Kathryn A. Perrone ***
James Anthony Perrotti
James C. Perry
Albert M. Peters
Dale W. Peterson
Gabriel Pethick
Brigitte Maria Peucker
Carlton S. Phillips
Karen K. Phillips
Nancy A. Phillips
Jane Pickering
Patricia D. Pierce
Ann-Marie Piscitelli
Filomena Piscitelli
Arman Dereniki Pivazyan
Martin John Platt
Alan Joseph Plattus *
Dean Plummer
Wesley Henry Poling
Jeffrey Pollak
Carol Anne Pollard
Thomas Dean Pollard
Margaurite Pollifrone
Estelle P. Pope
Charles A. Porter
George Arthur Porter
Leopold Jaroslav Pospisil
Charlotte C. Poulsen
Charles Powell
Leslie Powell
Margaret K. Powell
Seth M. Powsner
Pamela S. Prather
Patricia Ann Preisig *
Paula Elizabeth Preston-

Daniel Ethan Prober
Alice Prochaska *
Deborah Denise Proctor
Melissa Ann Pucci
Donald Michael Quinlan *
Jeremiah James Quinlan
Shuba V. Raghavan
Anna T. Ramirez
Louis Ronald Randall
Gustav Ranis *
Kim H. Raseman
Asghar Rastegar *
Pars Ravichandran
Joan S. Rawlings
Claude Rawson *
Carol Raye
Carrie Redlich
Donald Eugene Redmond Jr.
Inge T. Reichenbach
Ursula Reilly
David Donald Reiman
Gila Reinstein
W Michael Reisman *
Jill L. Reiter
Geraldine Remer
Barbara Gensicki Renckowski
Janice A. Reynolds
John Miller Reynolds
Katherine M. Reynolds
Christopher D. Rhomberg
Ali K. Riba
Nicole R. Rice
Valerie Williams Richardson
Mark S. Richter
Susan Riggs
Christine D. Rinder
Joseph R. Roach *
Judith P. Robbins
Susanne F. Roberts
Renee M. Robichaud
Dorothy K. Robinson *
Monica C. Robinson
Timothy Robinson
Susan Lauer Roddy
Cesar Rodriguez
Elinor M. Roedel
Michael A. Roemer
Christopher J. Rogers
John Rogers
Kathleen A. Rohrer
Elizabeth Rolfe
John D. Rollins
Harold Joseph Rose
John K. Rose *
Julie Rothstein Rosenbaum
Victor A. Rosenberg
Betsy A. Rosenthal
Maria E. Rossi
Jessica Rostow
Barbara S. Routhier
Barbara J. Rowe
Andrew Rudczynski
Nancy Hartman Ruddle *
Gary Rudnick
Joanne W. Rudof
John Rush
Concetta Russell
Raymond Richard Russell
Bruce Martin Russett
Nancy L. Ryan
Sheryl A. Ryan
Patricia Ryan-Krause
Haleh Saadat
Ali E. Saidi
Sarwat Salim
Peter Salovey *
W. Mark Saltzman
Jeffrey L. Sammons
Varman T. Samuel
Tyshina Sanders
Ricardo Freyre Sandoval
John Mark Sanford
Lisa A. Sanna
Lamin Sanneh
Lesley Santora
Stephanie J. Santore
Laurie R. Santos
Karen Santucci
Bonnie B. Sargent
Alan Clayton Sartorelli *
Margaret P. Sasaki
Sheila R. Saunders
Haun Caleb Powell Saussy
Yu-Lin Wang Saussy
Nancy L. Scanlon
Cary B. Scapillato *
Kathleen V. Scasino
Glenn E. Schafe
David Gilliam Schatz
Alan T. Scheps
Kenneth F. Scheve
Judith Ann Schiff
John Schilke
Betty Jane Schiller
Pamela Schirmeister
Brian P. Schmidt
Michael Perry Schmidt
Francoise Schneider
Shana Noelle Schneider
Brian Scholl
Richard S. Schottenfeld
Anastasia Schreck
Dena Schulman-Green
MaryAnne Schulz
Christine H. Schuster
Peter E. Schwartz
Robert P. Schwartz *
Stephanie Schwartz
Stacey N. Scirocco
James C. Scott
John Harold Seashore
Margretta Reed Seashore
William A. Segraves
Thomas W. Sellar
Jacqueline A. Sessler
Anna Katerina Sfakianaki
Andrew Sgambato
Nicholas Tuck Shalek
Ramamurti Shankar
Alan D. Shapiro
Eugene D. Shapiro
Albert Cheng-Gin Shaw
Robert Stanley Sherwin
M. Bruce Shields *
Robert James Shiller *
Andrew G. Shimp
Myung Soo Shin
Marci Shore
Christine A. Shugrue
Gerald I. Shulman
Lorraine Deirdre Siggins *
James J. Silk
Richard L. Silva
Joel Silverman
Barbara D. Simmons
David J. Simon
John Gerald Simon *
Gregory James Simpson
Pamela E. Sims
John Sinard
Agnes Siniscalchi *
Laurie I. Sirois
Stephane M. Skibo *
Brian John Skinner *
Patricia J. Slatter
Carolyn Walch Slayman
Richard G. Sleight
David Bayer Slifka
Jimmy L. Smallwood
Cynthia A. Smith
Eileen L. Smith
Gaddis Smith *
Laura M. Smith
Mary Smith *
Matthew Noah Smith
Patrick J. Smith
Peter C. Smith
Philip Smith
Ronald B. Smith *
Rose Smith
Yolanda Yvette Smith
Amy Brooks Smoyer
Edward Leonard Snyder
Timothy David Snyder
E. Jonathan Soderstrom
Risa Sodi
Stefano Sodi
Dieter G. Soll *
Ellen Solomon
Robert A. Solomon *
Terrence Reginald Solomon
Stefan Somlo
Clarky & Jeffrey Sonnenfeld *
Stephanie S. Spangler *
Sara S. Sparrow
Scott K. Speirs
Jonathan Dermot Spence
Donald Spencer
Susan Soloway Spencer
Karen M. Spicher
Daniel Alan Spielman
Marina Spitkovskaya
Gustav D. Spohn
Patricia A. St Germain
Lori M. Starrett
Maury Steigman
Peter Stein
Sandra T. Stein
Lydia D. Steinhardt
Tammy J. Stemen
Robert A. M. Stern *
William B. Stewart *
Leslie Burnam Stone
Shepard B. Stone
Caesar Thomas Storlazzi *
Alexei Stortchevoi
Robert Gregory Stout
Bruno J. Strasser
Evelyn H. Streater-Frizzle
Fred Strebeigh
Catherine H. Stretton
Tracy A Strickland *
Paul F. Stuehrenberg *
Pamela L. Stuper
Sally J. Styfco
Michelle E. Sullivan
Ben-Hua Sun
Shyam Sunder
Patrick Sung
Josephine M. Sutila
J. Lloyd Suttle *
Francesca T. Sutton
Gregory Sutton
Martha K. Swartz
David Frederick Swensen
Lee N Sylvestre
Ethel Elizabeth Symolon
Zoltan Szabo *
Robert H Szczarba *
Mario Sznol *
Dean J. Takahashi
Sandra Lee Talley
Zhangui Tang
Vis Taraz
Judith S. Tassmer
Dorothy M. Tattenbaum
Laura Tatum
Mark Norman Templeton
Manon Theroux
Kaitlin Thomas
Ernest Thompson
Lauren Nicole Thompson
Mike K. Thompson
Norma Thompson
Stephen F. Thung
Robert E. Tigelaar
Frank P. Tirro
Leonora Tisdale
Cynthia E. Tobery
Tracy L. Tolson
Diane S. Torre
Luis Torres
Virginia R. Towle
Emilie Maureen Townes
Art Trager
Elisabeth Travers
Terence Keith Trow
Angus Trumble
Katherine Trumpener
John C. Tully
Teri S. Tuma
Philip E. Turcotte
Frank Miller Turner *
Marcia A .Tursi
Robert Udelsman *
Kathryn Elizabeth Umlauf
David Edward Underdown
Ann M. Valentine
Michelle Valerio
Noel Valis *
Nancy P. Valley
Elizabeth Van Cleve
Jack Van Hoff
Joshua N Van Houten
Alice Van Wie
Patricia A. Vancour
Mary Grace Varga
Claire S. Veilleux
Susan Virzi Vendola
Michael J. Verdi
Diane Claudette Viens
Andrea J. Viray
Catherine M. Viscoli
Michelle Beck Vitali
David Vogel
Susan Lucille Voigt
Charlene Kaye Voyce
James Raymond Vreeland
Victor H. Vroom
Frans J. T. Wackers
Brian Walsh
Fawn Wang
Jaci-Beth Rosoff Ward
Valerie Warhall
John Harley Warner
Talbot H. Waterman
Christine Watkins
Kellie Ann Webb
Monica Weeks
Ning Wei
Jenya Weinreb
Pnina G. Weiss
Robert Martin Weiss
Penny A. Welbourne
G. Harold Welch
William C. Welch
Carolyn Keller Wells
Alexander Welsh *
Li Wen
Barbara Wexelman
Robert George Wheeler
Colleen A. Whelan
Carol Whitney
Kenneth B. Wiberg
William Wiesler
Marilyn Wilkes
Ann B. Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Elizabeth A. Williams
Tara L. Williams
Keith Wilson
Lynn Deyo Wilson
Madeline S Wilson
Marie DiZazzo Wilson
Robert Rutherford Wilson
Sharyn B. Wilson
Steven R. Wilson
Dianne Witte
Stephen Wizner
Werner Paul Wolf
Erin Foran Wolff
Christopher S. Wood
John E. Woods
Steven D. Woznyk
Keith Edwin Wrightson
Amy Wrzesniewski
Susan F. Wrzosek
Dianqing Wu
Yan Yun Wu *
Robert J. Wyman
Karen Wynn
Marjorie G. Wynne
David B. Yager
Ruth Bernard Yeazell *
Jamie W. Young
Joann A. Young
Marie H. Young
Mark Young
Herbert Yu
Patricia Doukas Zandy *
Kim A. Zarra
Robert J. Zartarian
Kathleen C. Zawalich
George Zdru
Alyson E. Zeitlin
Daniel Zelterman *
Jing Zhang
Yufeng Zhou
Yong-Lian Zhu
Carol Ann Ziegler
Annalisa Jean Zinn
Stephen M. Zotto

AND 117 donors who wish to remain anonymous

* Leadership Donor

*** Deceased


Biggest ‘small’ black hole discovered

Study reveals Legionnaire bacteria’s survival ‘trick’

Yale must take lead in promoting a ‘green’ future, says Levin

Working for a living: Scholar explores difference between ‘callings’ . . .

Bring in the books

Yale’s longest-serving master reappointed for two more years

New director to take helm at Yale Center for Language Study

Yale World Fellows discuss social change in Latin America

Chubb Fellowship to host reading by former U.S. poet laureate

Yale singers will present a selection of popular opera scenes

School of Drama to stage Brecht’s first play, ‘Baal’

Conference will commemorate 25 years of Holocaust archives

Rarely staged sequel to ‘Beggar’s Opera’ . . .

Panel to explore world of ‘Shakespeare the Thinker’

Changing students’ food habits and attitudes is focus of summit

Music of Charles Ives will highlight second

Ceremony to honor memory of former YDS faculty member

Physics is team sport in Yale ‘Olympics’

From the United Way: ‘A Tale of Building Self-Esteem’

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