The award is presented to the senior man and woman who "best demonstrate the highest ideals of athletics and intramural competition." This year, two women were judged to be equally deserving of the award, which was presented by Robert Farris Thompson, master of Timothy Dwight College and the John Trumbull Professor of the History of Art, who is also chair of the Council of Masters Committee on Athletics. The recipients of the Robert E. Lewis Award are Adam Spiegel and Kate Jones of Jonathan Edwards College and Ann Kao of Timothy Dwight College. Brief descriptions of the winning students' activities follow:
Adam Spiegel
In presenting the Lewis Award to Adam Spiegel, Professor Thompson described the senior as "the best male intramuralist, hands-down" who "consistently played wisely, bravely, gamely and well." This year, for the first time in 36 years, Jonathan Edwards College was the winner of the prestigious Tyng cup, and Mr. Spiegel has been cited as a major factor in that victory. During his senior year, he played 15 intramural sports and was captain of six major teams: men's and coed soccer, touch football, basketball, inner-tube waterpolo and softball. He was intramural secretary for two years and coauthored the Sports Shorts, a weekly athletics update for the college news sheet. In addition, he was an intramural supervisor, refereed soccer for two years and became head referee. He also refereed basketball for two years and served as baseball umpire. He officiated at golf and cross-country running -- all while maintaining a high academic record.
Kate Jones
Another student credited with Jonathan Edwards College's Tyng Cup win is Kate Jones, whom Professor Thompson described as "a magnificent woman athlete and future student at Harvard Law." Ms. Jones participated in 19 different sports this year and captained seven teams: coed and women's soccer, coed touch football, coed inner-tube water polo, women's basketball, coed racquetball and Ultimate frisbee. As the college's athletic secretary, she was instrumental in encouraging her fellow students to participate in intramural sports, and she was coauthor with Mr. Spiegel of Sports Shorts for the college news sheet.
Ann Kao
In presenting the Lewis Award to Ann Kao, Professor Thompson said: "Ms. Jones has a spiritual sister in another college. This woman, too, starred on the playing fields, across four years, fighting, caring, sharing, cheering all the way. She exudes ashe, which means: 'the ecstasy of action.'" Last year, Ms. Kao was captain of women intramuralists for Timothy Dwight College, and this year she served as cocaptain with Rebekah Heiser. She participated in 15 sports this year, and was captain of five: coed and women's volleyball, coed touch football, ping pong and coed 4-on-4 volleyball. She, too, has played a major role in urging her fellow college members to participate in or attend intramural sports events.