Physicist Robert G. Wheeler, a member of the faculty for nearly 40 years, has been named the Harold Hodgkinson Professor of Engineering and Applied Science by vote of the Yale Corporation.
Professor Wheeler's current research focuses on the behavior of electrons in lower-dimensional systems and other topics in physics related to microelectronics technology. Throughout his Yale career, he has also contributed to an understanding of solid state physics and the phenomena of crystalline compounds. In both his research and teaching, he also explores the interplay between physics and technology and how technical advances and scientific discoveries in physics have impacted on each other. He has written some 50 scientific articles and papers.
Professor Wheeler earned his Ph.D. from Yale in 1955 and joined the faculty as an instructor in 1957. He previously taught at Southern Methodist University in Texas and served as a first lieutenant in the United States Air Force for two years, during which time he was stationed at the Aeronautical Research Laboratory at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. He was promoted to assistant professor in 1959 and to associate professor of physics and applied science in 1963. He was named a full professor in 1966 and held the title of Becton Professor of Engineering and Applied Science while chairing the department 1971-74.
He has held numerous other administrative posts during his Yale career, serving as director of the division of the physical sciences, chair of the Yale College Course of Study Committee, chair of applied physics and director of undergraduate studies in applied physics. He is currently director of graduate studies in the Faculty of Engineering. In addition to the Course of Study Committee, he has also served on the University's Physical Science Advisory Committee, the Provost's Special Committee and the Building and Grounds Committee.
Professor Wheeler is a fellow of the American Physical Society and is a member the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Science and the Yale Science and Engineering Association. The latter association awarded him its Meritorious Award in 1976.