It's spring, when graduate students' thoughts turn to locating funding for their research.
The following is a listing of the fellowships and grants for dissertation, pre-dissertation, language study and summer travel support that are administered by the Yale Center for International and Area Studies YCIAS and its various councils, committees and programs. A number are also open to undergraduate students.
YCIAS also recommends that graduate students consult the Fellowship Library at the McDougal Center located in the Hall of Graduate Studies where a collection of fellowship guide-books and files of information on external fellowship granting organizations is maintained. Undergraduates should consult the resource and fellowship libraries at Undergraduate Career Services.
YCIAS Dissertation Research Grants: $3,000-$7,000 awards for doctoral research in international relations, history or the social sciences conducted outside the United States. Deadline: Monday, March 31. Information: YCIAS, Rm. 110, Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Ave.
YCIAS Pre-Dissertation Mini Grants: $600-$2,500 awards for exploration of sources and general feasibility of a proposed project by graduate students in history or the social sciences. For 1997 some funds have been earmarked for migration and/or refugee issues. Deadline: Monday, March 31. Information: YCIAS, Rm. 110, Luce Hall.
Agrarian Studies Program: $500-$2,000 awards in support of interdisciplinary work in any field on agrarian themes. Deadline: Friday, April 4. Information: Agrarian Studies Program, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, 89 Trumbull St.
The Coca-Cola World Fund at Yale Summer Travel Grants: $1,000-$2,500 awards for research or internship projects overseas combining two of the following three international fields: law, business and international affairs. Deadline: Monday, March 24. Information: YCIAS, Rm. 110, Luce Hall.
Dreyfus Fellowships: $5,000-$10,000 awards for graduate and undergraduate students who are children of U.S. Foreign Service Officers. Deadline: Tuesday, April 1. Information: William C. Hamilton, DACOR Bacon House Foundation, 1801 F St., NW Washington, DC 20006 202-682-0500 or 800-344-9127.
East Asian Studies Summer Language Mini-Grants: maximum of $6,000 awards for summer language study of Japanese, Chinese or Korean. Deadline: Thursday, March 27. Information: The Council on East Asian Studies, Rm. 320, Luce Hall.
East Asian Studies Summer Travel and Research Grants: maximum grants of $8,000 for field research or pre- dissertation preparation in China, Japan and Korea. Deadline: Thursday, March 27. Information: The Council on East Asian Studies, Rm. 320, Luce Hall.
East Asian Studies Dissertation Research Supplementary Grants: maximum grants of $7,000. Deadline: Thursday, March 27. Information: The Council on East Asian Studies, Rm. 320, Luce Hall.
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships FLAS: U.S. Department of Education Title VI fellowships for U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents whose academic work includes foreign language study and whose career plans include teaching, public service or business related to international and area studies. Summer 1997 fellowships are for intensive language study related to African studies, international affairs, and Russian and East European studies. Grants average $6,000. Academic year 1997-98 would be for intermediate or advanced language study related to African studies, international affairs, Latin American studies, and Russian and East European studies. Awards include full tuition plus a stipend. Deadline: Monday, March 24 for both summer and academic year fellowships. Information: YCIAS, Rm. 110, Luce Hall.
Fox International Fellowship Program: supporting research exchanges between Yale and the Free University of Berlin, Moscow State University, and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, for graduate students in economics, political science, international relations, law, business and finance, or contemporary history. Deadlines: Monday, March 31 for summer 1997; Friday, May 23 for fall 1997 and academic year 1997-98; and Friday, Oct. 10 for spring 1998. Information: YCIAS, Rm. 243, Luce Hall.
Rustgi Fellowships: $2,000-$2,500 awards for research in India or another South Asian country. Primarily for undergraduates, but graduate students may also apply. Deadline: Monday, March 24. Information: YCIAS/Committee on South Asia Studies, Rm. 303, Luce Hall.
Smith Richardson Fellowships: dissertaton support for archival research in the fields of international, diplomatic, political, and military-strategic studies. Maximum award of $3,500 to first- or second-year students for initial archival explorations or a summer language course; maximum awards of $10,000 for advanced graduate students in the above fields of history. Deadline: Friday, March 28. Information: International Security Studies, Rm. 342, Luce Hall.
Southeast Asia Studies: a limited number of research related grants to graduate and Ph.D. students supporting language training, pre-dissertation field research, and small supplements that may be required to bring a research project to fruition. Undergraduates may also apply. Deadline: Monday, April 7. Information: The Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Rm. 311, Luce Hall.