Yale University will hold its 296th Commencement ceremony on Monday, May 26, on the Old Campus. The following is presented for the general information of the Yale community. Please note that Commencement exercises will be held outdoors even if it rains, and candidates and guests should be prepared with umbrellas and raincoats. Guest tickets are not required. With the exception of the PresidentUs Box, there will be no reserved seating for guests on the Old Campus. The Commencement information number is 432-2310.
The Baccalaureate Address by President Richard C. Levin will be delivered twice on Sunday, May 25, in Woolsey Hall, College and Grove streets. The first service, at 10 a.m., is for seniors from Branford, Jonathan Edwards, Morse, Silliman, Saybrook and Trumbull colleges and their guests. The second, at 11:30 a.m., is for seniors from Berkeley, Calhoun, Davenport, Ezra Stiles, Pierson and Timothy Dwight colleges and their guests. Other members of the Yale community have been invited to attend either service. Tickets are not required.
Commencement excercises on Monday, May 26, will be held on the Old Campus. Tickets are not required. Parents and guests should be in their seats no later than 10:15 a.m. Symbolic diplomas will be given to student marshals representing candidates from the residential colleges. After the general ceremony on the Old Campus, the graduates will follow the faculty marshals to their colleges where individual diplomas will be awarded.
There will be two faculty sections at ground level in front of the platform on the Old Campus. Seating is not reserved. All who plan to sit in the faculty section are requested to be in academic dress.
Schools of Art and Architecture: There will be a joint ceremony in Weir courtyard, the sculpture garden of the Yale University Art Gallery, 66 High St., followed by a reception for graduates and their guests at the same location. A private reception for School of Art graduates and their guests will be held in the Art and Architecture Gallery, 180 York St. In case of rain, the School of Art will hold its ceremony in Hastings Hall, 180 York St., while the School of Architecture ceremony will take place in the lecture hall of the Yale Art Gallery, enter on High Street.
Divinity School: Sunday, May 25 -- 4 p.m. The Baccalaureate will be held on the Sterling Divinity Quadrangle, 409 Prospect St. Richard F. Ward, the Clement-Muehl Associate Professor of Communication Arts at the Divinity School, will preach; a graduation reception will begin at approximately 5:30 p.m. on the lower quadrangle. In case of rain, the degree ceremony will be held in Marquand Chapel. Monday, May 26 -- 7:30-9:30 a.m.: Continental breakfast will be available in the refectory; 7:45-8:45 a.m.: A Eucharist service, to which friends and family are welcome, will be held in Marquand Chapel. Preaching will be Peter S. Hawkins, professor of religion and literature at the Divinity School and the Institute of Sacred Music.
School of Drama: The degree ceremony will be held in University Theatre, 222 York St., followed by a reception a the Yale Cabaret, 217 Park St.
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health: Students and their family members and guests will gather on the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Public Health lawn, 60 College St., where awards will be presented. A reception will follow.
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies: The degree ceremony will take place on the Marsh Hall lawn, 360 Prospect St., followed by a reception on the grounds. Dean Jared L. Cohon and degree candidate Christina Goodridge Page will speak; FES singing group The Loggerhythms will perform.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Ph.D. degrees will be awarded, and Wilbur Cross medals conferred to distinguished alumni, at a ceremony in Woolsey Hall. A reception will follow in the Hall of Graduate Studies courtyard, 320 York St.
Law School: The ceremony for degree candidates will be in the Law School courtyard, 127 Wall St. Students and their guests may purchase lunch in the Law School dining hall following the ceremony. Speaking will be Drew Days III, the Alfred M. Rankin Professor of Law and former Solicitor General of the United States.
School of Management: A degree ceremony will be held in Culkins Courtyard, 135 Prospect St., followed by a luncheon in Donaldson Commons, 15 Mansfield St.
School of Medicine: Degree ceremony in the courtyard of Edward S. Harkness Hall, 367 Cedar St. Dr. Robert H. Gifford, professor of medicine and associate dean for medical education and student affairs, will deliver the address.
School of Music: Sunday, May 25 -- A Commencement Concert will be presented at 4 p.m. in the Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall. Monday, May 26 -- The School of Music degree ceremony will take place in Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College St. The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the Center Church Parish House, 311 Temple St.
School of Nursing: The degree ceremony will be held at Prince Street Park, corner of Cedar and Prince streets, followed by a reception at the School of Nursing, 100 Church St. South.
Yale Center for International and Area Studies: Students who are master of arts degree candidates in African studies, East Asian studies, international relations, Russian and East European studies, and international development economics will assemble with their guests on the front lawn of the center, Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Ave., for the presentation of degrees. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the auditorium, where seating will be limited and guests will be admitted by ticket. All degree recipients and their guests are invited to the reception in the Luce Hall common room immediately following the degree presentation ceremony.