"Preparing Your Curriculum Vitae for the Real World: What Industry is Looking for in your C.V." is the title of the first workshop on Tuesday, Aug. 19, noon-1 p.m., and "Preparing Your Curriculum Vitae for an Academic Position: What an Academic Institution is Looking for in Your C.V." is the title of the second on Wednesday, Aug. 20, noon-1 p.m.
The workshops, which are being presented by Deborah St. James, manager of editorial services, Bayer Corporation, and author of "Writing and Speaking for Excellence," and Margaret Osora of the department of human resources at the Bayer Corporation, will emphasize cover letters, design and layout and essential information.
Both sessions will meet in Rm. 206 of the Boyer Center (best route to get there is the second-floor Hope Building Bridge, which connects Hope with the Boyer Center. For additional information, call 785- 4680.